4 // let's meet

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let's meet

CHAPTER FOURlet's meet•••

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Bubbly. If I had to use one word to describe Genevieve Hastings, it would be bubbly.

The moment I walked in she immediately greeted me with a huge smile on her face.

"Nolan Theodore Mullen, isn't it nice to finally meet you?" she asks with a smirk on her face. I smile at her, not exactly knowing what to say. What do you say to someone this... happy?

"Oh gosh, we're gonna have so much fun!" she squeals, tugging my arm and dragging me to some other people.

"He's here!"

A brown haired man with a big beard turned around to look at me. His thick eyebrows were set in a scowl, and I wasn't sure if he always looked like that or if it was directed at me. At least, that was until he smiled, the scowl disappearing as a grin crept its way onto his face. I smiled back politely.

"Hi," was all I could muster up to say. I've never really been the one to strike up a conversation.

"Hey," he exclaimed happily, almost with the same energy as Genevieve. "I'm Tyson Garret, the director. It's great to finally meet you," he said, sticking his hand out. I shook it timidly.

"Nice to meet you too," I said, not really meeting his eyes.

Genevieve pulled my arm again and dragged me to another group of people.

"These are the dancers. Tina, Marilee, Ethan and Benedict." They all turned around to face me. I smiled awkwardly, putting my hands in my pockets to refrain myself from fiddling.

"He's cute," Marilee shrugged, before looking back at her phone, seemingly texting someone.

"Excuse her, she doesn't have manners," Benedict said. "Nice to meet ya."

"Likewise," I breathed out. All I really wanted to do was to act. Most people I'd meet in this industry, I'd only see maybe once a year. There were many things I loved about my job, but meeting new people definitely wasn't one of them.

"We're gonna do the dancing scenes first so you can just hang around I guess," she said, this time grabbing Ethan and Benedict. I sighed. This was gonna take a few hours at least.

Luckily, at that exact moment, my phone started to vibrate. I didn't hesitate to pick it up.

"Nolan, I'm freaking out!" Ava's voice sounded through my phone.

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