Chapter 2: Atop the Arc de Triomphe

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Cat Noir landed right next the Ladybug just as Strunsahtiid and Odahviing appeared through the  clouds, soared down, and landed on the Arc de Triomphe.

"So, I believe that we were engaged in tinvaak - conversation - when that... who was that?"

"Alya Cesaire. She's the maker of the Ladyblog, which is a website dedicated to things like superheroes and Akuma attacks."

"Alya Cesaire. An odd name, that is for sure. That's very... interesting. I do not yet fully unstained how the Internet works, so perhaps you could help me."

"So I wanna ask: what was with those words you were shouting? Like you just shouted 'Ven Mul Riik' and suddenly fog appears and all that."

"That is the Thu'um, a form of magic the dov innately have the ability to use. It falls under the much broader category of tonal magic, the magic contained in words and sound. When one uses the Thu'um, or Shouts, the words they speak are changing and adding to the song of creation, manipulating the Earthbones. In other words, the Rotmulaag, or Words of Power, that make up the Shout are altering reality."

"The dov?"

"The dragons. Our language, called Dovahzul, is the one used when one Shouts. It is innately magical, as each word captures the very essence of its meaning. Take 'yol' for example. It means 'fire', but it is not simply a name for fire, it is fire, the very essence of fire compressed down into a single rot, or word."

"So when Odahviing breathed fire - I think he breathed fire, anyway - he was really commanding fire into existence, is what you're saying?" Now Ladybug was intrigued.


Then the bells of Notre Dame began to ring.

"Whelp, looks like it's time to go. See you another day, m'lady. Whee!"

Cat Noir launched himself off of the Arc and vaulted off into the distance, Ladybug soon leaving as well. Strunsahtiid turned to Odahviing, but the red dragon spoke first.

"Thuri, shall we return to Dovjunaar?"

"Funny. I was about to ask the same thing. But perhaps not. Akuma attacks seem to happen three times a week at the least, and there was even a time when Akuma attacks were happening every day for half a month."

"Should we call Paarthurnax?"

"I will stay here. Send for Paarthurnax, tell him what has happened and tell him to come to Paris tomorrow."

The Dragons Are Back (Miraculous Ladybug X The Elder Scrolls Crossover)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें