Chapter 8: Bunnyx

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Bunnyx frantically looked through every future in her Burrow. Not one of them included dragons. Or anything even relating to them.

A loud thunderclap behind her made her jump and whip out her umbrella. Behind her, somehow standing in her Burrow, was a massive, white dragon.

"Who are you? And how did you get in here?" she demanded.

The dragon calmly pulled a scroll from a pouch around its neck. "My name is Strunsahtiid. And I got in with an Elder Scroll."

"Also, how are you and the rest of the dragons not showing up on any of the futures in my Burrow?"

"Your... Burrow?"

"This thing." Bunnyx pointed around herself to the walls showing all the possible futures.

"Perhaps that is because we are the children of Akatosh. Our souls are part of time itself, in a sense. I actually couldn't scry on you through the Elder Scroll either, until I came near your child self and recognized the power of..." he looked at her costume for a minute, "what I assume is the Rabbit Miraculous on your younger self."

"How do you know my-"

"Your soul and Alix's soul are the same."

"Oh... um..."

The two sort of awkwardly stood there for a moment, neither really knowing what to say. Finally Strunsahtiid broke the awkward silence.

"I will be off now. I still have much to do."

With that, he raised his head and Shouted "Nahl Dal Vus!" and he was gone.

The Dragons Are Back (Miraculous Ladybug X The Elder Scrolls Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now