Chapter 59: Fallout

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It took all of Paarthurnax's self-restraint to not fly into a rage at the sight of dozens of reporters swarming Adrien, pestering him with questions that the boy couldn't possibly answer.

Marinette rushed into the crowds, yelling at the reporters to back off and give the poor boy a break and that he was probably traumatized from learning that his father was Hawk Moth, and quickly dragged him towards their school.


He turned to see Strunshatiid flying towards him. "What is the matter?"

"There is a very serious matter that I must discuss with you." The white dragon's cobalt eyes darted around nervously. "Come with me."

With a Shout, he brought them both to Dovjunaar, leaving them both standing upon Dovjunaar's version of The Throat of the World. Vulkreingaar and Krothurfo were there as well.

"So what is it that you wanted to discuss?"

"It appears that the barriers between Nirn and Oblivion are weakening."

Paarthurnax's eyes widened. The last time that the barriers between the two planes had been compromised, it had been the doing of a follower of Molag Bal, who was attempting to take over Mundus via a Planemeld, or in other words, a fusion of Mundus and Coldharbour, his plane of Oblivion.


"I'm not entirely sure yet, but the immeasurable number of undead summoned by Durnehviir to combat Shadow Moth's army of Akumas and Sentimonsters may have been the cause. The Soul Cairn is itself a plane of Oblivion, after all."

Krothurfo growled in response. "I told you not to trust that Akatosh-forsaken necromancer."

Strunsahtiid glared at the orange dragon. "I did not know that our plan could lead to something like this. This has never occurred before and Durnehviir did not intend for such a thing to happen. Considering the massive power discrepancy between a draugr and an Akuma, his only hope of defeating Shadow Moth's army was through sheer numbers. Even a Vampire Lord or Dragon Priest would stand little chance against an average Akuma on its own."

"So what are we to do about it?"

"I will try and research a way to both strengthen the barriers between Nirn and Oblivion and also a way to weaken Molag Bal as much as possible, in the event that he does try another Planemeld. Alert Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Alix. I have the feeling that we will need their help."

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