Chapter 49: Getting to Know You...

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Adrien grinned as he jogged towards the bakery. It had taken a bit of... "persuasion", as Paarthurnax put it, from Odahviing and Durnehviir, but his father had cleared his schedule for the entire week, though warned him that he would have to work extra hard next week to make up for it.

Lately, it seemed like Marinette was making an effort to spend more time with him. He wasn't entirely sure what had brought it on, but he was happy nonetheless.

The ringing from the door made Sabine look up and smile at Adrien.

"Hi, Mrs. Cheng! Is Marinette here?"

"Yes! She's in her room right now."

"Thank you!"

Walking over to the trapdoor, he called out, "Marinette! I'm here!"

The trapdoor popped open and he climbed up into Marinette's extremely, extremely pink room.

Marinette herself was jumpy, nervous, and neurotic as usual, but that quickly changed when he suggested that they play Ultimate Mecha Strike III.

"Are you sure, Adrien?" She grinned that smug, competitive grin of hers.

He grinned right back. "Yeah, I'm sure! I'm a champion! I beat Max!"

"Oh yeah? So did I!"

"Let's find out then. Let the best gamer win!"

Smirking, she tossed him a controller and inserted a cartridge for Ultimate Mecha Strike III. Soon they were in a heated match.

Outside, two dragons were fighting over the right to watch the two oblivious idiots.

"Hey, lemme see!" Durnehviir pushed Odahviing's head away from the window.

"Come on, Durnehviir, you've watched Marinette play games dozens upon dozens upon dozens of times. Let me see for once!"

"Yeah, but never with Adrien! And both of them were able to beat Max in this game! Max! The guys who built an A.I. complex enough to feel actual emotions, and he's only a teenager! I have to see this! The ultimate showdown between the two gaming champions of Francois Dupont!"

Some distance away, a group of girls was watching the two dragons bicker.

"Uh, Alya, can you tell me why Durnehviir and Odahviing are clinging to the Dupain-Cheng bakery and trying to look into Marinette's room?" Alix pointed at the two dragons pushing each other's heads.

"Well, I hear them saying something about 'the two gaming champions of Francois Dupont', and Adrien did go over to her house, so..." Rose said.

"I bet twenty euros that Adrien wins because Marinette can't keep focus," Alix said.

"Oh, come on! I bet twenty euros that Marinette wins, I believe in her!" Alya scoffed.

Meanwhile, Marinette and Adrien were jamming buttons frantically, trying to one-up each other.

Then it happened.

Adrien just barely missed the combo that could've put a massive dent in Marinette's HP, took a heavy hit, and was quickly stun-locked into oblivion.


Marinette sprang up from her seat and began dancing around, euphoric. Adrien groaned. Outside, Durnehviir grinned smugly at Odahviing.

"Pay up, Odie. 200 Septims, just like you promised."

Odahviing groaned. "I shouldn't have betted against you." Durnehviir seemed to have an almost supernatural talent for predicting the outcome of a bet.

"Hey, Durnehviir! Odie!"

The two dragons turned to see all of Marinette's friends, with Alix and Alya and the forefront. Alix was flailing her arms above her head.

Odahviing groaned. "I told you not to call me Odie!" She ignored him.

"Who won?" she called out.

"Marinette," Durnehviir replied. Alix's face fell and she began digging around her wallet. Alya wore a wicked grin.


"Durnehviir! Odahviing! You could've damaged the bakery by clinging to it like that! I swear, if you two ever do that again, I will shove these controllers up your noses!"

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