Chapter 19: Gol Hah Dov!

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It didn't take too long for them to find Volpina, as she was on the Eiffel Tower. A well placed Shout and the akuma was sent flying off of the Tower.

The fall alone was enough to shatter the Akumatized object and Lila was quickly turned back to normal.

And then the other shoe dropped.

"Do you remember anything from being Akumatized?" Strunsahtiid asked probingly. His voice had a razor edge to it.


"Are you sure?"


"You are lying!" Peryite snarled.

Ladybug opened her mouth to object, as akuma victims didn't remember what they did when Akumatized, but was cut off before she could get a single word in.

"Do not lie to me, Lila Rossi! I know you for what you are, you little pest!" Malacath roared.

Lila started crying, which Ladybug, to her horror, recognized as fake. "I'm not lying!"

Strunsahtiid ground his teeth and picked the girl up by the waist. Lila looked genuinely terrified. "If that is how you wish to play, then so be it. Gol Hah Dov!"

A yellow blast of light burst from the dragon's mouth and hit Lila. She was dropped unceremoniously on the ground.

"Now, tell me the truth. Do you remember what you did as Volpina?"

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