Chapter 44: We're Screwed

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Tracking Dragonslaver wasn't too hard, she'd already left a trail of bootprint-shaped craters. She was no Bubbler or Reflekta, but a nine-foot-tall girl dressed in crimson robes and bronze armor with hair dyed bright pink would be pretty hard to miss.

Police were trying to fend off the mock Dragon Priest, but were either forced to take cover to avoid being torched by Fire Breath or blasted away by Unrelenting Force.

"Shadow Moth sure was generous with this one," she mused.

Alix's Shouts were enhanced to the point where Unrelenting Force was outright killing people, shattering their bones and destroying organs, causing massive internal bleeding and shock, if not just turning them into red paste. She'd also seemed to have been given the ability to use normal magic, shooting lightning, fire, and frost from her hands and the first one from her staff, even casting some sort of red smoke-spell that let her take control of dragons. Of course, that only ensured his doom all the more if Dragonslaver ever caught him.

"M'lady!" Cat Noir landed right next to her. "Figured out a plan to defeat this Akuma yet?"


"Well, we better do it fast. Dragonslaver will probably end up tearing through Paris to get to Shadow Moth."

With that, the two swung down to meet the Akuma. Dragonslaver turned when she heard them.

"Ah! Ladybug, Cat Noir! I have been waiting-"

Cat Noir leaned on his staff. "Yeah, we appreciate your intentions, buuuut-"


A blue blast was sent hurtling towards him and he dodged just in time, the impact of the Shout creating a small crater where it landed. Three dragons, their eyes trailing dark red smoke, soared down and began blasting fire and frost from their mouth with reckless abandon.

Ladybug felt her spirits fall as she recognized two of the dragons under Dragonslayer's control as Vulkreingaar and Krothurfo, who were both among the most powerful dragons alive.

Cat Noir charged forward, swinging his staff, trying to strike the Akuma. His staff was met with Dragonslayer's sword, the two sparking as they clanged off of each other. She pointed her staff at him, lightning spraying from the tip.


The fire didn't get him, but the lightning did, sending him flying into a building and crashing through the wall.

Ladybug narrowed her eyes at Dragonslaver. "You're going to pay for that."

Dragonslayer tilted her head up slightly and the third dragon swooped down at Ladybug.

"Yol Toor Shul!"

Blue-hot flames burst from the dragon's mouth and she rolled away and swung to the top of a nearby building.

"Alix, please!" she begged. "There are ways to solve the whole 'Shadow Moth' problem that don't involve murder!"

"I could kill that little insect with but a single Shout. You know nothing of the true power a Dragonborn can wield."

"That's not what I meant!"


Ethereal blue-and-orange armor coated Dragonslayer, and her Shouts seemed to get even stronger, shattering walls and shaking the ground even when they didn't hit it.


The sky rapidly turned dark, the clouds becoming black, but no rain fell. Instead lightning streaked from the sky and began striking everything around, including innocents. To be fair, Dragonslaver didn't seem to have any control over where the lightning struck.

Ladybug sprinted inside the building Cat Noir had been thrown into. He seemed fine, but was bruised all over.

"Cat Noir, you have any idea on where the akuma might be? I think it might be in her staff or her mask."

"Same thought here. There's no way we can take Dragonslayer in a straight fight though. She's got at least three dragons at her disposal and is probably getting more."


The two were suddenly covered in a thick layer of ice freezing them in place. Ladybug could barely hear Dragonslaver's heavy footsteps stomping away.

It took a good amount of effort (who knew ice was that strong?) to break out of their frozen prisons, but Cat Noir broke out first and helped break Ladybug out.

"Cat Noir, I need you to Shout with me."

"Alright, M'lady."

"Strun... Sah... Tiid!"

The Dragons Are Back (Miraculous Ladybug X The Elder Scrolls Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now