Chapter 13: Strange Artifacts

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Gabriel Agreste observed the massive, two-handed hammer in the glass case. It exuded a strange power from its faint green glow and the red, eye-like spot on the center of the head. He turned to Mr. Kubdel.

"Do you know why this hammer appears to glow green?"

"No, sir, but we have theories. Some of my colleagues think that the glow is a result of radiation or light refracting within the material, however that may work. I feel that the glow comes from the composition of the material itself. And my son, Jalil... well, his theories have always been a bit... out there."


He moved on to the other artifacts; an ornate key, a golden sword with a sphere of light in the center of the guard, a pale shield decorated with thin lines of gold, and a ring with a wolf's head. Each emanated the same otherworldly power the hammer did. Gabriel turned back to the historian.

"Thank you, Mr. Kubdel, for the information. I found it quite... enlightening."

He walked away, his mind beginning to swirl with a plan. His eyes flickered down to his wedding ring and his mind flashed to the happiest day of his life.

Gabriel felt faint as Emilie walked down the aisle. She looked like a goddess.

And soon, he would be able to share the rest of his life with her.

His mind came back to the present.

Hang in there, Emilie. I will find a way to bring you back. I promise.

(Who wants to guess what the artifacts in this chapter are?)

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