Chapter 45: Dragonslaver

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Soon enough, the beating of wings could be heard, drawing closer and closer, until a large white shape crashed to the ground outside.

"I have seen the Akuma. Get on my neck. You will not be able to defeat Dragonslayer from the ground."

Strunsahtiid lowered his head and the two heroes clambered on.

"Hold on tightly now."

The white dragon reared up onto his hind legs and Shouted, the earth shaking from the sheer power of his Voice.

"Wuld Nah Kest!"

He was sent hurtling into the sky and began to fly in the direction the Akuma had gone. Every obstacle in Dragonslayer's path had been torn down, where it was a building or a police force.

"Alix!" Strunshatiid shouted. "Come to your senses! This will only cause greater harm!"

"It is the only way!"

Ladybug had to shout to be heard over the wind. "I tried convincing her already! She won't listen!"

"I guess there is no choice then. Jiid So Daan! Strun Bah Qo!"

The sky turned an orange-blue hue and a combination of both meteors and lightning fell from the skies. Several of them struck the mind-controlled dragons and Dragonslaver herself. One landed right on her head, stunning her.

"Ladybug, try to use Disarm upon Dragonslaver while she is incapacitated!"

Strunsahtiid swooped down close to the Akuma. Ladybug drew in as much air as she could, then Shouted at the top of her lungs, "ZUN HAAL VIIK!"

Dragonslaver's staff and sword flew out of her hands. Strunshatiid dove down towards the former and closed his jaws around it, snapping the staff in two. No dark butterfly came out.

Cat Noir twisted around so that he was facing Dragonslaver and Shouted "KRII LUN AUS!"

The blast of purple magic hit the Akuma in the back and she hunched over, durability and life-force beginning to weaken with every second that passed.

"It's in the mask! The akuma's in the mask!" he shouted.

Strunsahtiid landed and lunged for the Akuma, knocking her mask off and shattering it under his wing. A dark butterfly fluttered out, which was promptly caught in the dragon's jaws and chewed into oblivion.

Ladybug summoned her Lucky Charm and tossed it up into the air.

"Miraculous Ladybug!"

The swarm of magical ladybugs quickly undid all the damage and Dragonslaver was engulfed in bubbling, purple-black gooey mist. When it dissipated, Alix was left standing there, confused at first, then staring down at the ground with a look of shame.

"I got Akumatized again, didn't I?"

"Yeah. It's not your fault though," Cat Noir said reassuringly. "By the way, what made you want to kill Hawk Moth?"

"I was pissed at Lila for siding with Hawk Moth, then when Shadow Moth tried to Akumatize me, I got pissed at him, and, well, you know the rest."

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