Chapter 67: To Coldharbour

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Nino was awoken from sleep by a terrifying roar. Rushing to his window, he saw a massive, powerfully muscled dragon-like demon rampaging through the streets. People were running in every direction as the creature tore up the ground, flipped over cars, and generally just destroying everything in sight. Worst of all, it wasn't alone.

Daedric Titans. Molag Bal's not pulling any punches.

A few days ago, Paarthurnax had given Marinette a book on Daedra and how to combat them and told her to share it with Adrien and the Tongues. Nino had quickly skimmed over it and had gotten a general idea of how Daedra worked and could identify one by appearance fairly easily.

His phone dinged and he pulled it from his pocket. His mother had sent him a text saying that she was his dad were stuck in traffic in very close proximity to a "crocodile monster".

Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t! I need to get to Mari's place now!

Luckily, Marinette had agreed to lend everyone their Miraculous so that they could be ready for the Planemeld.

"Wayzz, shell on! Feim Zii Gron!"

Fifteen minutes of parkour while trying not to get caught by Daedra later, he landed atop the roof of the Dupain-Cheng bakery. Luckily, he was right on time, as everyone else was already there, along with Marinette's parents.

"The time has come, children," Strunsahtiid said quietly. "The Planemeld has begun. But first..."

Ladybug opened her yo-yo and pulled out two small brooches, one purple and round, with four strips of cloth resembling insect wings protruding from it, the other in the shape of a dark blue fan.

"Paarthurnax," she held out the small purple brooch, "this is the Miraculous of the butterfly, with grant the power of transmission. Use it to empower others for the greater good. Can I trust you?"

Paarthurnax nodded. "Yes."

He lowered himself a bit so that Ladybug could fix the brooch to the pouch on his neck.

"And Durnehviir," Ladybug held up the fan-shaped brooch, "this is the Miraculous of the Peacock. Use it for the greater good. Can I trust you?"

Durnehviir nodded, a determined expression on his face. "I won't let you down."

Ladybug walked put to the necromancer and pinned the brooch to his pouch as well.

Two balls of light, one purple and one blue, emerged from the two Miraculous, swirling around their respective holder, eventually materializing into a lilac butterfly-like kwami and a dark blue peacock-like kwami.

"Nooroo!" The dark blue one zipped over to the lilac one and gave it a big hug. "I remember being used by bad people! Is it over?"

The lilac one looked around, before a relieved expression passed over its face. "Yes. It's over."

Ladybug spoke up. "Nooroo, Duusuu, I know that you're both happy to be out of Shadow Moth's hands now, but we've still got a mission."

The two kwamis looked at their holders, looked back to Ladybug, then nodded.

The lilac one turned to Paarthurnax and said "Alright now. To transform, say 'Nooroo, wings rise'."

At the same time, the dark blue one was telling Durnehviir "Say 'Duusuu, spread our feathers'."

The two dragons nodded and reared back onto their hind legs, flaring out their wings.

"Nooroo, wings rise!"

"Duusu, spread our feathers!"

Purple light enveloped Paarthurnax, his scales going from dull gray-green to vibrant purple, with a paler tint for his underbelly. His tattered wings became whole again, the skin stretching between slender, bony fingers turning the same lilac as Nooroo. His broken horn was regrown and his missing teeth were restored. His eyes changed from an icy blue to a deep, sparkling amethyst. A long, thin blade, like that of a rapier, extended from the very tip of his tail.

A blue flash washed over Durnehviir, restoring his oozing, decaying flesh to full health and repairing his weathered wings. His rotten green scales became a dark blue hue and his bent spines straightened. His wings were streaked with pink and dark purple. The end of his tail became adorned with a fan of razor-sharp feathers. Overall, both dragons looked stronger and healthier than they had ever been.

Strunsahtiid wound back his left arm, a glowing blue sphere forming in the folds of his wing, and hurled it upon the roof.

"There. That's the portal to Coldharbour. Once we get there, we need to get as close to the Daedric Prince as possible to perform the ritual. Then we must find and hopefully defeat Molag Bal. Paarthurnax, it's best that you Akumatize them," he gestured to all the Miraculous holders and Tom, "now, before we enter."

Paarthurnax nodded. Pegasus and Pigella opened a cloth butterfly cage. The dragon called all the butterflies to him and stretched out his wing to let them perch, then closed his eyes. Dark purple energy swirled around one of the insects and it was converted into an Akuma. It phased into Tom's wedding ring.

"Envigorizer," Paarthurnax began, "I give you the power to strengthen and protect others. Use this power for good, and not for ill."

Tom nodded solemnly, saying "I will," and stretching out his hand to touch the pouch Paarthurnax had around his neck.

It became charged and crackled with energy. The rest of the butterflies perched on Paarthurnax's wings were all converted into Akumas and flew towards the Miraculous holders and Odahviing and Strunsahtiid.

"Miraculous holders, I give you all the power to use your abilities as many times as you wish. Use it wisely. Dragons, I strengthen your scales and Shouts."

Carapace looked at the Akumatized Miraculous holders, then down at himself. They'd all been given more animalistic traits. Cat Noir, King Monkey, Ryuko, and many others all had real tails and their costume animal ears became real ears. Ladybug and Vesperia grew antenna and small wings. Some also gained furry, paw-like hands (or scaly talons, in Ryuko's case). Viperion grew taller and lankier and his neck was noticeably longer and covered in scales, while a diamond pattern ran down his back and tail. Carapace himself had a very short tail and webbed hands and feet reminiscent of those of a turtle.

Odahviing and Strunsahtiid both increased in size by quite a bit and were noticeably spikier than before. Odahviing's scales shone like well-cut and -polished rubies. A blue light emanated from Strunsahtiid's eyes, throat, and the seams between his scales.

Strunsahtiid reared up and clapped his wings together. "When we go through the portal, follow my lead. I will repeat this again; follow my lead to Heart's Grief and the Seat of Tyranny. Does everyone understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"I couldn't hear that."


"Good. Now, onward!"

The Dragons Are Back (Miraculous Ladybug X The Elder Scrolls Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now