Chapter 54: The Fury of the Tongues

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Shadow Moth's eyes widened in alarm as more and more Akumas fell to Durnehviir's strange Shout, then rose up again with glowing purple eyes.

They're... they're being converted...

A thundering "- Dahl Vus!" and the sky tore open, Strunsahtiid and Odahviing descending from the rift. Both dragons seemed to be carrying multiple people on their back. On Strunsahtiid's back, he could see the characteristic black-spotted red and pitch black of Ladybug and Cat Noir. He couldn't identify those on Odahviing's back, however.

He placed an amok in a trinket he's brought with him in case he needed a Sentimonster of his own and channeled his newfound fear and panic, shaping it into a giant purple butterfly, which he quickly mounted. The Sentimonster spread it's wings and took off...

... only to be blasted out of the sky by a barrage of ice spells, freezing the creature's wings solid. Shadow Moth and the incapacitated Sentimonster ended up landing on a rooftop.

Paarthurnax landed right next to him, a look of pure fury on his face. The old dragon's icy blue eyes bored into him, blazing with cold fury. Then he turned to Odahviing.

"Tongues, he's all yours," he shouted to the red dragon.

Odahviing swooped down and landed on the rooftop as well.

On his back was a large group of teenagers. Several Shadow Moth recognized as the very ones that Ladybug sometimes employed as temporary heroes.

And all of them looked every bit as pissed as Paarthurnax and Odahviing.


They all Shouted with a collective fury that ragdolled him, sending him hurtling off of the rooftop and he crashed into the ground. Odahviing flew them down to where Shadow Moth had landed.

Strunsahtiid landed on the rooftop top, chuckling, and let Ladybug and Cat noir down from his head, though he blocked them from joining the Tongues with his wing.

"Let them have him. They've all got Akumatized by him, and it's about time they had their slice of the revenge pie. Paarthurnax has been all the temporary Miraculous holders in the Thu'um so that they could protect themselves, but it might be good for them to get some... 'real-world experience', if you get what I mean."

Shadow Moth laughed at the teenagers. "The Miraculous make their holder nigh-invincible. You cannot harm me."

Alix advanced forward. On her head was a horned helm, on her arm a shield, and in her hand a greatsword. No one could have seen it before, but now, the fire burning in her eyes and the rumble of the Thu'um, like distant thunder, in her voice made it clear to all her draconic heritage.

"The Thu'um was the magic used to forge the universe. It was the magic once used by the last Dragonborn to defeat Alduin, then by Strunsahtiid kill him for good. And now, it is the magic that will bring. You. Down. MUL QAH DIIV!"

Her body glowed with orange light and blue magic swirled around the tiny girl, until she was cloaked in a set of ethereal armor, her eyes glowed with both draconic might and rage.

Alya Shouted "Faas Ru Maar!" and a blast of red magic struck Shadow Moth. Fear suddenly clouded his mind, and he lashed out wildly. Nino charged forth, raising a sword high above his head.

"Slen Qah Dwiin!"

A set of ethereal armor cloaked the boy, similar to Alix's, but silvery instead of blue-orange with a different appearance. Shadow Moth tried to strike him, but each blow glanced off of the boy's body as if he were made of solid steel.

A voice - Kagami's, perhaps? - roared "Ven Gaar Nos!" and he was flung into the air and thrown upside-down. Nino and Kagami both descended upon him, Shouting "Su Grah Dun!" in unison, causing wind to suddenly swirled around their blades.

Rose's voice, raw from previously Fus-Ro-Dah'ing him off the roof, bellowed "Mid Vur Shaan!" and the weapons carried by all the other children were surrounded by wind as well. Luka Shouted "Tiid Klo Ul!" and began moving at great speed, just as Durnehviir had done earlier.

Suddenly he was being whaled on by all the children, still furiously Shouting "Fus Ro Dah!" at him, making it impossible for him to defend himself, until Alix yelled, "Get out of the way!"

The Tongues retreated as Alix unleashed a Shout.

"Krii Lun Aus!"

With the blast of purple magic hit him, he felt his strength drain away. Alix Shouted those Words again and again, until Shadow Moth could barely stand.

"This is for my brother!" The honed edge of Alix's great sword slammed down onto his head.

"This for my friends!" Her shield bashed into his face, breaking his nose.

"And this is for all of Paris! YOL TOOR SHUL!"

A wave of fire scorched him, putting him in agonizing pain.

It seemed to be an eternity before the flames subsided. The fear brought on from Alya's Shout had mostly worn off, and he could think somewhat clearly now.

How? Shouldn't my Miraculous have protected me?

Nino stomped forward.

"And if you're going to abuse your Miraculous like this, then you don't deserve one," he snapped.

Then the boy reached down and yanked away the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculous.

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