Chapter 58: The Reveal

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Cat Noir stared down at Strunsahtiid's back, focusing on each individual scale in the fading light, trying to distract himself from the events of today. He barely registered the heavy thump as Strunsahtiid landed on Ladybug's roof.

"Cat Noir, we're here."

He slowly got off of the dragon's back. Ladybug beckoned him to a balcony and he numbly followed. She went down a trapdoor and he did so too, leaving both of them sitting on a bed. He focused on the room around them, still trying to get his mind off of his father's secret.

He was in a room that was extremely, extremely pink.

Oh God, I'm an idiot. Why didn't I see it sooner?

He stared at Ladybug. "Marinette?"

She turned away as her transformation gave out. "Disappointing, right?"

"No! No, not at all. Plagg, claws in."

Even though Marinette had already figured out who Cat Noir was, judging by his rant when he broke down, it still felt... new as she watched her silly, laid back, happy-go-lucky kitty turn into subdued, polite Adrien Agreste.

Adrien looked at Marinette and chuckled awkwardly, despite how much he was hurting inside. "Disappointing, no?"

Strunsahtiid's voice came down from above, filled with amusement. "Actually, for her, it's a dream come true. You're in love with her as Ladybug, and she's got a crush on you bigger than Molag Bal's ego and has your face plastered all over her wall."


"Oh, don't worry," Paarthurnax chuckled. "Adrien actually has those plastic Ladybug dolls, including the limited-edition one."

"Paarthurnax! They're action figures!"

"You they're action figures, I say they're plastic dolls."

"Stop exposing me!" The two teenagers yelled at the same time.

"Finally!" Odahviing roared. "You two are the most oblivious pair of idiots I've ever seen! I thought that at least one of you - one of you - had figured out the other's identity by now!"

Marinette and Adrien stared at each other for a moment.

"So... we were in love with each other the whole time, but never realized it," Marinette said slowly.


"Odahviing! Keep your voice down!" Paarthurnax said sharply.

"To be honest, Odie's not wrong though," said Strunsahtiid.

"Don't call me Odie!"

Strunsahtiid ignored him. "Marinette's had a crush on Adrien ever since you gave her your umbrella, and Cat Noir's had a crush on Ladybug ever since the whole Stoneheart incident. We know both of your guy's identities, and Paarthurnax actually tried to set you two up by encouraging you two to know each other better."

"Really? I thought she didn't like me because of the whole 'gum-on-her-seat' prank that Chloe pulled," said Adrien.

"What? You really I'd still be mad after you cleared things up?"

"Hey, I'll be honest, I have questionable social skills and it was the only reason I could up with as to why you could talk to everyone else just fine, but couldn't get away from me fast enough."

Marinette yawned and glanced over at her clock. "It's getting really late. We should sleep now."

"Also," Odahviing cut in, "if you two are gonna be in the same bed, then don't do the naughties. Alya's too young to be an auntie."

"ODAHVIING!" the two teenagers screamed at him.

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