Chapter 70: Back Home

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When Ladybug opened her eyes again, they were all back in Paris. The city looked as good as new, as if the Daedric invasion had never happened.

Something nudged her back.

"Kids, you better hide somewhere. You're going to de-transform soon."

Sure enough, right at that moment their Miraculous started beeping rapidly.

Hastily taking cover in an empty warehouse, they all de-transformed and Ladybug collected their Miraculous one by one. The teens rushed out as soon as they returned them, searching for their families.

Finally Ladybug herself swung back home and dropped down through her trapdoor onto her bed, just as her transformation gave out. She quickly tossed Tikki a cookie, then put all the Miraculous back in the Miracle box. Cat Noir also slipped into her room to de-transform, then quickly hurried downstairs and outside to go find Nino.

Marinette went down into the bakery and was immediately ambushed by both her parents as soon as she reached the bottom of the ladder.

"Sweetie! You did it!" Her mom was crying tears of joy.

"Mom! You're back!"


Strunshatiid smiled happily as he watched Marinette reunited with her mother through the bakery window, then turned away and Shouted, transporting himself to Dovjunaar. Paarthurnax, Odahviing, Vulkreingaar, and Krothurfo were already there.

"Where is Durnehviir?" he asked.

"The Ideal Masters pulled him back to the Soul Cairn. He will probably be unable to leave for a few weeks at best," Paarthurnax said sadly.

"At least Molag Bal is defeated," said Vulkreingaar.

Krothurfo nodded in agreement. "Ladybug has truly earned the title of Qahnaarin."

A few months later, on Christmas Day, Marinette, Adrien, Alya, Nino, and Alix all received Dragon Priest masks. They had no enchantments except ones that made them nigh-immune to any sort of damage or corrosion, but each was masterfully crafted and unique.

Marinette's was tusked and made from orichalcum, and the word "Qahnaarin" was inscribed into the forehead.

Adrien's was made from iron and had a mouth full of jagged teeth, and was inscribed with the title "Nonvul-Al", or "Noble Destroyer".

Alya's was of ebony and had pointed, horn-like ears, and bore the title "Kinzon-Hah", or "Sharp-Mind".

Nino's was crafted from steel and looked heavily armored. Its forehead was inscribe with the word "Kaal", or "Champion".

Alix's was crafted from bronze and was shaped like a dragon's head. Upon it's forehead were the words "Yolnaakkrein", or "Fire-Eat-Sun".

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