Chapter 41: Secrets We Can't Share

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Ladybug landed on the rooftop and looked around. "Paarthurnax? You there?"

A deep voice boomed behind her. "Ladybug, you might need an eye test."

She whirled around, spotting a pair of glowing, icy blue eyes. Paarthurnax chuckled.

The dragon walked up to her and settled down onto his stomach. She sat down cross-legged as well.

"Speak, Ladybug. I will listen."

"There's something I need to tell you. So... after the whole Miracle Queen incident, I've been made Guardian of the Miracle Box. And after some... unfortunate events-"

Paarthurnax quickly leaned in and whispered, "Allow me to clear this up first. I know you are Marinette. Strunsahtiid has found out through his watch of Paris through the Elder Scroll. You can tell me anything."

Ladybug's face turned chalk white and didn't react for a few minutes. Paarthurnax found himself waving his thumb in her face to make sure she didn't just have a stroke.

When she seemed to come back to reality, she was quiet for a few moments, eyes darting around, as if she was unsure of what to say.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about your identity," Paarthurnax said quickly. "My lips are sealed."

"So... I assume you know about Miracle Queen?"

"Not the specifics, but I have the basic picture. Chloe betrayed you, sided with Hawk Moth, I sensed time being meddled with over and over, via the power of the Snake Miraculous, Hawk Moth stole the Miracle Box, Master Fu gave up the Miracle Box, you got it back, yada yada."

"Well, I ended up telling Alya my identity, but I didn't tell Cat that I told her. The second time Audrey got Akumatized into Style Queen, Alya was tricked into thinking that a Sentimonster of Nino was, well, the real Nino. And then... well..."


"Something happened after that. I'm not going to tell you, out of respect for Alya's privacy. You'll have to go ask her yourself."

Paarthurnax nodded. "I understand. So you've given me the context. What do you want to ask?"

"Well, Cat Noir and I have been growing a little... distant recently. Rena Rouge is showing up to more and more battles and I appreciate the extra help, but it's kind of starting to drive a wedge in between us."

Ah, so that was the problem. He didn't really noticed a difference in the duo's dynamic, but he was rarely around them, especially during Akuma fights. His role was to carry people away to safety while the heroes and other dragons did the fighting.

"I see." Paarthurnax rubbed his chin. "You two seem to have a problem with communication."


"Well, I suggest that you tell him that someone knows your identity. Then work from there. One of the reasons why you two are such good partners is because of how easily you two communicate and the trust that results from that. If that starts to become a problem, then I'm afraid that other things could fall apart too. Your decisions make sense on paper, but only if you're given the full context. Cat Noir doesn't have that context. He will probably draw his own conclusions."

The dragon's gaze suddenly became pointed. "And what other conclusion could he draw than that he's replaceable and has already been replaced?"

Ladybug looked up at him for a moment, then sighed and lowered her head. "Thanks, Paarthy. I really needed some advice."

The two were silent for what must have been half an hour at least. Then Ladybug blurted out the most hilarious question.

"HaveanyideasonhowtogetmetogetherwithAdri-" she quickly clapped her hands over her mouth. Paarthurnax could've sworn that he heard her say the s-word before giving him a look of alarm.

"It's fine," he laughed. "I already know. You're horrible at hiding your crush."

"But to be serious," Paarthurnax quickly sobered up, "try to get to know him better. I've seen him, and there's more to him than just the persona he gives off in public. You know Adrien, and yet you don't know him. He's not just a calm, polite, mild-mannered young man, just as how you aren't just a nervous, clumsy young woman."

"But I can barely get in a full sentence around him."

"Then practice. Go up to him every day and try to talk to him. It'll be hard at first, but it'll get easier as you do it more and more."

"Well... I guess I could give it a try..."

"Also, Ladybug, may I ask you something?"


"If Adrien wasn't around, would you see Cat Noir differently?"

The red-and-black-clad girl stared off into space, the gears in her head turning.


It was all Paarthurnax could do to not smirk. He had the feeling that Marinette had always sort of liked Cat Noir, but that any possible feelings for him had been massively overshadowed by her crush on Adrien.

"Anyways, it's getting quite late. You should probably head home."

"Oh, yeah, right! Anyways, Paarthurnax, thanks for the advice!"

And with that, she was gone.

Paarthurnax smiled. Operation Love Square is under way. Phase One: a success!

The Dragons Are Back (Miraculous Ladybug X The Elder Scrolls Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now