Chapter 66: What Must Be Done

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Marinette's jaw dropped as her eyes welled up with tears.

"No! No, no, no! Durnehviir, why?!"

Durnehviir hung his head in shame.

"Marinette, I'm so, so sorry, but your parents are the only ones who know your secret, so they were the safest choice," he whispered.

Adrien, Alya, and Nino all wrapped their arms around Marinette, trying to comfort her. It did little.

Strunsahtiid sighed. "I know that this is extremely difficult - an understatement, I know - for you, but it is what must be done. The only other parent I would dare ask to be the sacrifice is Mr. Kubdel, and... well, you probably know quite well how bad of an idea angering a Dragonborn is."

After a while, Marinette responded.

"I-I know, but... i-i-it's just..."

The white dragon grew sorrowful. "I know, little one. They mean everything to you. Let it be of at least a little solace to you that, should we triumph over Molag Bal, then your mother can be brought back," he said quietly.



Marinette turned to see her mom's head poking out from her trapdoor. The sight only made her break down further.

Sabine breathed out a heavy sigh and slowly went over to her daughter.

"Mom..." the girl sobbed, peeking through her fingers. "Mom, are you really..."

"Yes, sweetheart, I will."

A few more choked sobs escaped Marinette. Sabine felt her heart twist in her chest. Even if her daughter was the superhero Ladybug, she was also still just a child. The most thing daunting thing she should be dealing with right was her grades, damn it. Not dragons and magic and evil gods.

The Dragons Are Back (Miraculous Ladybug X The Elder Scrolls Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now