Chapter 18: Compromise

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One of the Princes, a woman dressed entirely in black robes, scoffed. "A toy?"

At first, it did seem like a figure of a random dragon. But on closer inspection...

Antler-looking horns, a tail tipped with spikes, and large spines covering both the back and chest. The only dragon that I know of with all three of those traits is...

"Vulkreingaar, could you call for Strunsahtiid somehow?"

At the mention of the World-Forger's name, the faces of the Princes went pale.

"Absolutely. Strun Sah Tiid!"

In a few seconds a deep, thundering roar was heard in return and in less than a minute after that a shining white shape could be seen flying towards them at great speed.

With a bellowing "Wuld Nah Kest!" and a powerful thrust of his wings, Strunsahtiid landed right behind the Daedric Princes. They all immediately whirled around and bent down into defensive stances.

"Peace, Princes. I am not here to fight you."

Ladybug and Cat noir exchanged glances. This was odd for him, or any dragon really. They loved to fight and were always eager for a challenge.

"Peryrite, it is rare for you to personally intervene on Nirn, much less while working with the other Daedric Princes. Why is it so now?"

The green dragon relaxed slightly. "My shield, Spellbreaker, was stolen."

"Hm. Is this the case for the rest of you?"


"Which artifacts were stolen? I know that some of you have multiple."

"Volendrung, the Skeleton Key, Dawnbreaker, Spellbreaker, and Hircine's Ring."

"And I assume that Volpina - that fox-lady - was the culprit?"

"I think so," Ladybug cut in. "They were all going after her, but I didn't actually see her carrying anything."

"I can confirm that she was the thief," said the black-robed woman. "I saw her carrying Peryite's shield, Malacath's hammer, and Meridia's sword. I could sense the presence of my key as well."

"The thief must die!" The orc drew his sword again.

"I have a compromise. I will help you get your artifacts back, in exchange for the life of the thief and the safety of Paris. You will allow Ladybug to remove the powers of Volpina, and I will bring her to justice. Do we have a deal?"

The orc crossed his arms. "I do not exactly like it, but I will agree."

The black-robed woman simply nodded. "As long as there are no strings attached."

"I assure you, none. I hate the girl as much as you do."

A beautiful woman in white-and-gold robes nodded too.

The green dragon and a stag-headed man wielding a spear agreed also.

"Very well then. We will find Volpina and have her return the artifacts. I am holding you to your word."

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