Chapter 38: The Power Within

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Miraak drew his sword and his dragons took off. Alix raised her shield just in time to block a lightning spell. She backed away, and once the coast was clear, unleashed a Shout of "Yol Toor Shul!"

Miraak cursed "Damn you!" as he caught on fire and Shouted "Fus Ro Dah!" Alix raised her shield just in time to avoid being hurled away.

"Wuld Nah Kest!"

Miraak was suddenly right on top of her, swinging his sword down. The blade extended into a massive tentacle. Her shield saved her once again, but the tentacle managed to curve around it and gave her a shallow cut on the back of her neck. When it did, she felt her stamina drain away. Alix wound back her shield arm.

"Wuld Nah Kest!"

She slammed the edge of the shield into Miraak's stomach and both were sent rocketing forward, Miraak slammed hard into a wall. A well timed "Ven Gaar Nos!" sent him up in the air, giving her time to dash away and recover. Using two Shouts in a row winded her.

"Mul Qah Diiv!"

Alix inwardly groaned. Great, he's activated Dragon Aspect. As if this wasn't already unfair enough. He really wants to kill me and absorb my soul, doesn't he?

She got up and sprang into action, dodging the balls of tentacles Miraak was shooting from his staff and swinging her sword at him. The blade sliced through the fabric of his robes and electricity sprang from the blade and struck him. Miraak retaliated, slicing his sword right through her soft belly.

"Wuld Nah Kest!" she cried weakly.

Alix dashed away, clutching her bleeding stomach, hiding behind a pillar.

"Hermaeus Mora is laughing at us, you know," Miraak said.

Strunsahtiid looked down, his eyes widening at he noticed the growing puddle of blood underneath Alix. He rushed forward, grabbing Sahrotaar in his talons.

"I'm sorry, Sahrotaar. This is the only way."

He clamped his jaws around the back of the serpentine dragon's skull and snapped his neck, throwing down the corpse near Alix.

"Take his soul before Miraak can!"

She reluctantly stabbed Sahrotaar through the eye. His skin and flesh began to burn away, leaving only a skeleton behind. Alix straightened as the dragon's soul was absorbed into her body. The cut on her stomach closed itself up.

"Qo Riik Strun!"

Strunsahtiid allowed himself to grin a little as Alix unleashed Lightning Breath. He had been the one to teach her that very Shout, as very few other dragons knew it.

The lightning struck Miraak square in the chest. Even with his robes enchanted to absorb magic, it still hurt. And it was immediately followed up with a two-handed sword strike to the top of his head while he was still stunned and a shield bash to the face.

"This is for my father!" she shouted.

"Fus Ro Dah!" he bellowed.

Alix raised the shield in time again, but was still pushed back a little and Miraak cast a healing spell on himself.

"Yol Toor Shul!" she Shouted.

The powerful blast of fire was aimed at the tear in Miraak's robes and caught him off guard, sending him stumbling back a little. It wasn't long before he got back up though.

"Feim Zii Gron!"

Miraak's body turned transparent, making the ethereal armor produced from Dragon Aspect even more noticeable, and Whirlwind Sprinted to the center of the tower. One of his two remaining dragons flew down and landed in front of him.

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