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I have been rewatching this gif on repeat for the past  3 and a half minutes☝️

Your pov:

I sigh heavily and sit on the floor, putting my face in my hands while Five begins to pace back in forth.

"Hey, you know what? a thank you for preserving your existence would be nice"
Luther tells Five and I scoff.

"'A thank you'"
Five tells him frustrated as I listen to the chatter from the radio.

'And here they come the presidential car is moving out...'
I hear the radio say and I quickly sprang to my feet.

"Luther! Luther! Here he comes!"
Five shouts to Luther as we both run over to the fence.

Luther runs up behind us as we all peer over the fence, Five stood on a briefcase, because he was unable to see over the fence due to his height.

Well I didn't need a boost up because I just simply floated around a foot in the air to see over the fence, apparently nobody noticed that my feet were not touching the ground.

"Look, there's dad"
Luther points over to our father, he held an open black umbrella.

"What do we do?"
Luther questions while Five looks off to the side, his eyes widening as he sees something.

"Uh oh"
Five breaths out as I look to see what he's staring at,
Luther mumbles absent mindedly and I gasp.

"Oh my god"
I whisper as I finally see what Five was looking at.
Luther looks over as well and his eyes widen in realization.
"Oh shit"
He states.

"Agh, Diego"
Five States almost disgustedly as we all watch Diego sprint across the field.
"His kink for Kenddedy has really got out of control"
I mumble and I see my husband trying his best not to laugh in front of Luther.

I stare as I watch Diego sprint towards dad, who the hell new that he could actually run that fast?

I wince slightly as I watch him tackle dad to the ground, that's going to hurt in the morning.

Multiple gunshots ring out and people begin to flee the scene, police sirens begin to wale as everybody screams and runs for there lives.

Well that went well, so very well.

"Hey, Five darling?"
I ask and Five walks over to me,
"Yes love?"
He questions and I glance back over to the occurring chaos.

"I'll meet you guys at Eliot's okay? I just need to clear my head"
I tell him and nods,
"See you soon darling"
He tells me before kissing my forehead and walking back over to Luther.

I nod and began to walk, I didn't have much of a destination but I just had to get away from everything.

I'm going to die, and not just that. I'm going to die surrounded by the biggest idiots in galaxy.

I love my family with all my heart, I really do. But aside from Five, there all very stupid.

I do suppose that Ben and the girls are slightly more intelligent than the others but still, having an IQ of 172, this hurts my feelings.

I completely ignore everybody running past me screaming and just casually stroll down the road, this was actually quite peaceful.

After a few moments I began to realize that I was gaining quite a few strange looks from bystanders, perhaps it was the fact that a kid was peacefully strolling down the road enjoying themselves, or the fact that I'm wearing a uniform, but either way it might be better if I fit into the crowd a little bit.

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