Chapter 35 - My Mind

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I put the finishing touches to my outfit and checked my makeup was perfect. I was doing anything to keep my mind off Seth and that kiss. Let's see if it's as easy to forget as you thought. He was so smug. He knew what the outcome would be. He's probably smirking to himself right now knowing damn well I'm sitting here tearing myself up about it. The doorbell went and I took a deep breath in and out. This was it. Lucy, don't mess it up.

"Hey babe!" Roman pulled me in for a hug and kissed the top of my head as I hugged him back. Guilt had already filled my body and part of me thought it was better to just get it over with and tell him now. I'd been lying awake most of the night thinking about it and I didn't know how much longer I could put up with this horrible feeling. "How are you?"

"Good thank you." I lied. "How are you?" He walked into my house and I shut the door behind him, making my way to the sofa in the front room where he'd already made himself comfortable.

"So what did you want to do today?" Roman asked, putting his feet up on the sofa and resting his hands behind his head. I admired the view in front of me, but a nagging voice in the back of my head reminded me that Seth was nice too. This was NOT a competition I had to remind myself. I was dating Roman.

"I don't mind. I have to get an early night tonight though, got the SmackDown taping tomorrow and Mark wants us to get one last practice in before we go live." I said, nervously. My legs were shaking underneath me as I remembered the kiss once more. This time tomorrow I was going to be kissing him for real, in front of cameras for everyone to see. Oh God.

"Oh yeah." Roman's voice dropped and my heart ached. "The backstage part?" I nodded. I couldn't speak. "You're not going to practice the kiss though right? That's just going to be a one-time thing?" My breathing was laboured and I felt like crying. I was never one to lie to people. I was meant to be the one who always helped everyone else.  "Lucy?" He looked at me, his heart breaking with every second I hadn't answered.

"Just one time." I nodded as I said it to him, my heart cramping in my chest as if someone was telling me lying wasn't getting me anywhere. He looked at me reservedly but pushed it to one side as he patted the chair next to him for me to sit with him. I sat beside him on the sofa and cuddled up to him, although this time I didn't feel comfortable. My skin felt like it was burning under his touch.

"Is everything alright, Lucy?" He looked down to me and then rested his head on top of mine. No, Roman. Not at all.

"Yeah." I lied again. "I didn't sleep well last night, I think it was the adrenaline."

"How did you find performing last night?" He asked, changing the subject.

"It was amazing. The crowd's reaction when Paige jumped over the table and hit me was immense. I'll remember that for the rest of my life!" Just like Seth's kiss. I shook the thought from my head and focussed on the story once more. "Mark said it was one of the quickest trending matches in a while!" I smiled.

"Well, what can I say? I watched it and I was hooked, but maybe that had something to do with a gorgeous lead female..." He squeezed me with the arm that was wrapped round me and I let out a giggle. I turned to face him and inched my face closer to his. He stroked the sides of my face with his fingers and cupped my head just like Seth had done yesterday. A jolt of guilt shot through me and I flinched but carried on like nothing happened. I pressed my lips softly to his, deepening the kiss as soon as we could. I ran my fingers through his hair with my eyes closed and instantly saw Seth's face in my mind. I opened my eyes instantly, relieved to see that I was obviously kissing Roman. This was killing me inside. He's going to notice there's something wrong with me soon. I pulled out of the kiss quickly, the words Seth had said before he walked away repeating in my mind. Let's see if it's as easy to forget as you thought.

"Lucy, are you sure everything is alright?" Roman asked the question I was dreading. Come on Lucy, think of a decent lie. Why I'm even lying to him is beyond me. I should just come clean.

"I'm really nervous about tomorrow." I lied again, picturing my nose growing bigger like Pinocchio. If he finds out the truth, he is actually going to kill me.

"What about it?" He asked, inquisitively like a normal boyfriend would. Today, however, I wished he wasn't like a normal boyfriend and would stop asking me so many questions. I opened the fridge and got out a bottle of orange juice, pouring some out in a glass so I didn't have to make eye contact with him as I spoke. I knew I was a terrible liar and I'm surprised he's even bought this much of it!

"The kiss." I said, actually being honest. "It's live on TV and I'm scared I'll mess it up."

"Mess it up?" Roman quizzed again. I took a sip of the orange juice and poured some more out.

"I'm kissing Seth! I don't know how I'm going to do it!" I said, looking up to him for the first time. "If it was you I'd be fine because you're my boyfriend but it's not you. It's like I'm cheating on you live on television." His jaw clenched and he looked away from me to take a big breath in and out. I can only assume he was trying to pretend it wasn't happening but it was. In less than 24 hours I'd be kissing Seth Rollins.

"It's only a peck on the lips right?" Roman suddenly asked, looking scared. I shook my head.

"According to the script, it's a full on snog in front of Dean to anger him." Roman let out an angered yell and punched the side of the couch with his fist. I jumped as the sound echoed through the house and was suddenly to fearful to tell him anything more. Note to self: Don't tell him about Seth.

"Just do it as half-assed as you can." He said, his eyes glaring at me angrily. "Don't enjoy it." I gulped down the guilt and anxiousness I was feeling and nodded, even attempting a smile. "I'm sorry, Lucy." Roman's tone had suddenly changed. "I'm just scared. I'm scared I'm going to lose you because of this storyline."

"I know, babe." I said, offering him a comforting smile as I walked back over to him and sat on his lap. "It's going to be difficult but you're not losing me." I kissed him softly on the lips and he let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry. You know what I'm like." He shook his head. "I trust you." I sucked in a breath and held it in. 'I trust you' my head repeated, followed by 'Let's see if it's as easy to forget as you thought'. I shook the words from my mind but the mental images of me kissing Seth were burning themselves into the front of my mind, it was all I could see.

"Thank you." I smiled. "Look, let's forget about it for the rest of the night. What do you say to a movie?" I smiled fakely, still trying to shake Seth from my mind.

"Sounds good, let's go now and see what's on." I nodded and stood up, finishing my orange juice and quickly going over to the sink to wash it up. I took a deep breath in and out and looked behind me at Roman, who was getting his coat on and smiled. This was the guy I was dating and I should be happy. I'm going to prove Seth wrong. This kiss isn't going to affect me tomorrow.

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