Chapter 13 - The Truth

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Paige grabbed a bottle of water from the mini fridge in the room and poured the water out in the sink. She threw the bottle over to me with an evil, mischievous grin on her face.

“What’s this for?” I said, holding up the now empty bottle.

“Truth or dare. Spin the bottle.” She said as she walked back and sat with us, four small glasses in her hand. She gave them out to us and as she placed Dean’s by him I could see them both yearn to just be back together. This plan had to work…

“Right. Lets go!” I placed the bottle in the middle of the four of us and spun it. We all watched in anticipation as it span and span, our hearts speeding up every time it pointed towards us and a gush of relief when it went past us. It landed on Paige. “Truth or Dare?” I started. The trick for this plan was not to rush in and say for her to kiss Dean in the first few rounds because then it was too obvious.

“Dare.” She said confidently. I looked around at the guys and smirked.

“I dare you to knock on Steph McMahons door really loudly and run back.” She looked at me in shock, as did the guys. “What? She asked for a dare!” I justified myself. Plus it was all part of the plan. I poured a shot of vodka and handed it to her. “For the nerves.” I said as she gulped it down quickly.

“See you in a second!” She got up and ran out of the door, a few seconds later it was deadly silent until knocks on the door echoed the hallway. I then heard giggles and quick footsteps get closer as Paige dived into the room and shut the door, her breathing heavy and her chest rising and falling at a quick rate. “I hate you for that.” She said, shaking her head. She walked and sat back down with us, taking hold of the bottle and giving it a spin. Once again, anxiety was high as the bottle spun around, slowing down and landing on Roman.

“Truth or dare?”

“Truth.” He said, knowing that was the safer option. Paige smiled, ready to say her line but Dean jumped in ahead of her.

“Do you like Seth more than me? Is that why he was allowed to get away with everything?” Dean said, his gaze fixed on Roman waiting for his answer. Paige and I looked at each other in anticipation of this answer. This could help the plan if Roman answered correctly.

“No, Dean.” He sighed. “There was a huge time difference between the two. At the time you were off with Paige we were trying to make it, it was a stressful time and I just wanted us to do our best. Now we’re already household names so it’s different. It has never been to do with favouritism.” I smiled at Roman, then looked at Dean and Paige who for the first time this day were looking at each other without angst in their eyes.

“Shall we continue?” I said, making their gaze break away from each other and look over at me. Part of me felt guilty but the other part of me knew I had to finish the plan for them to be back together. I spun the bottle and it landed on Dean. I wondered if it was still too early to tell him to kiss Paige, so I waited for him to say ‘Dare’ before I made him drink four shots of his chosen drink.

“I hate you for that.” He spluttered, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand after downing four shots of vodka in a row.

“I never said you had to drink them in a row.” I said cheekily and stuck my tongue out. Paige and Roman let out a hearty laugh as Dean mumbled to himself angrily about not listening to the dare properly. I spun the bottle again and this time it landed on me. I panicked a little as I worked out whether I should say truth or dare. Who knows what they would ask me if I said ‘truth’ yet if I say ‘dare’ I have a feeling Paige would love to pick on me after what I made her do.

“Umm… Truth.” I blurted out, instantly feeling like a loser for going to the safest option.

“Too scared?” Paige laughed.

“No, I just like to start off soft.” I rolled my eyes and waited for someone to pick a question for me to answer. I could see all three of them thinking about what to ask me; Something about my life before wrestling? Something about my love life – or should I say lack of one?

“How many boyfriends have you had?” Paige asked suddenly, the guys nodding at her choice of question.

“What, like, in my whole life? Or long-term ones?” I asked, hoping to escape the stories they obviously wanted to hear.

“All of them.” Paige said with a smirk. I swallowed the lump in my throat and took a deep breath. They were going to hate me for my answer. They were going to think there was something wrong with me.


“What all together?” Roman had to double check. I nodded sheepishly.

“And you’re how old?” Dean continued.

“25.” I said, sounding less and less confident with every question.

“And what happened with them?” Paige asked. I was about to start the long and painful story but I remembered – I only needed to answer one question and I’ve answered three!

“Save that for the next round.” I smirked. “I’ve answered more than I needed to!” Paige gave me a jokey evil look and spun the bottle, it landing on Dean once again.

“Truth or dare?” Paige took over asking the question.

“Dare.” Dean said confidently again. Paige looked over at me with hope in her eyes. She wanted me to say it and who was I to stop it? I let out a grin and began.

“I dare you…” I paused for dramatic effect. “To kiss Paige.” The tension in the room could have been cut with a knife. Paige was looking at me happily, Dean was looking at me in shock and Roman looked at me like he knew this was all a plan. I gave him a wink as the broken couple finally moved closer together and pecked each other on the lips. It wasn’t much but I had a feeling it was a start.

“Trying to be ‘Little Miss Matchmaker’ are we?” Roman whispered in my ear as the two of them continued to have their moment.

“No, just helping guide two people back on the right path. There was no reason for them to even break up, it was just tension and stress I’m sure.” I whispered back. Roman place his hand on my shoulder and a jolt of electricity shot through me.

“Thanks.” He whispered in my ear again, his breath making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. There was something about him that really got to me, I didn’t know if he liked me or if he was just a smooth talker but when he spoke to me I had to cling on every word, his eye contact with me made me forget anyone else was in the room and I couldn’t help but just wish for some time alone with him to get to know him more and see where our relationship could lead.

“Lucy?” I looked up from the floor I had been gazing down on for however long it had been and looked around at the three confused faces. God I’m an idiot.

“Yeah?” I asked embarrassingly, hoping no one would ask what I was thinking about.

“The bottle landed on you.” Dean continued hesitantly. “Truth or Dare?” Paige had had her moment, now was it mine? Were there even feelings between Roman and I? All he did was tell everyone I was interested in him. That means nothing, right? But if we weren’t even friends he wouldn’t have done that would he?

“Dare.” I decided to be brave as thoughts swum around in my mind. I was hardly concentrating on what was coming out of my mouth. I knew Seth didn’t like me, he’d made that clear when he called me the newbie, said I wouldn’t fit in at the party and told his girlfriend I was going to cause tension – so there was nothing to be confused about there. Dean was really nice to me, but more in a protective older brother way, plus he has Paige so there’s definitely nothing going on there. That leaves Roman. The one guy I can’t read. The one guy who is confusing me. The one guy…

“I dare you to kiss Roman.”

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