Chapter 12 - Drinking Games

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“Sorry what?” I said to them, wondering if they even remembered I was standing next to them.

“Oh nothing. It’s about those boys.” She nodded in the direction of The Shield and sighed. “All I’m saying is when Dean and I wanted to go out it was a problem but with Seth, Leighla and you it’s not so much of a problem.”  It all came flooding back to me as soon as those words had left her mouth. Her and Dean were an item and from what I could work out, the guys were pretty hard on him when he went to see her instead of be with them. She was right. Leighla spent a lot of time with them and I could tell because of just how friendly they were with each other. Even I spent a lot of time around them for a person who had only been in the job for a small amount of time.

“Yeah, I understand.” I replied sympathetically. “Maybe you should try again now? If they’re all so caught up with the others they can hardly turn you away.” I thought it was a pretty good idea. Leighla would keep Seth occupied, I could keep Roman occupied and then Paige and Dean could have a successful relationship again… But here I was trying to help everyone else out again with nothing benefitting me.

“No way would that work. Dean doesn’t even look in my direction anymore!” Paige said as if she had given up.

“You’re kidding me right? He talks about you a lot. Even I’ve heard him talking about you and look how long I’ve known them!” I said, once again helping out. I felt like I was repeating what I’d just said to Leighla!

“I suppose I could give it a go…” Paige said hesitantly. “But how would I even get us in the same room?” She said. I smirked at her as I pulled her closer to me and whispered my plan into her ear. All we needed was this party to finish and I was ready to put this plan into action.


A few hours had passed and everyone was making their way to their rooms. Paige and I had made a quick dash for the exit in the hopes that we could get to my room before Roman and Dean arrived. I ran to the reception and stated my name and who I was staying with, he handed me my key and Paige her key to the room next door and we sped into the lift and up to the third floor. Paige’s room was 209 and mine was 210. I unlocked the door and noticed everything in a tidy way with the lights off so I knew Roman and Dean weren’t here yet. My bag was already in the room (we’d had to hand them in before we had got to the party and the porter had taken them into the correct rooms while we partied) so Paige and I made our way into the room and sat on the double bed.


I jumped up from the bed and looked around the room, opening all the doors in hope to find two single beds tucked away somewhere but no. Just the one sofa bed in the room. Oh God.

“Who are you going to be sharing this with then?” Paige laughed as she lay back on the bed.

“No-one. I’m on the sofa bed.” I protested, flinging my arms up in defence.

“Oh come on. We all know you would have been happy to share this with Roman.” She winked.

“Or you could move in here and share it with Dean!” I said quickly as my comeback. Her face changed to one of humour and shock.

“You bitch.” She joked as she jumped up off the bed and grabbed me, throwing me onto the bed.  I let out a roar of laughter as I rolled away from her and gave her a playful shove. She jumped back on the bed and put me in a headlock. I flailed my arms around but to no avail – there was no way I was escaping this one. “Take it back.” She laughed.

“You take what you said back!” I said, fighting the headlock still.

“I will when you have!” She said, tightening the headlock.

“Alright! Alright!” I objected. “I take it back!”

“Take what back?” A deep male voice interrupted our fun and Paige jumped away from me, releasing me from the headlock at the same time. I looked up to see Roman and Dean standing in the hallway, Roman looking at me and Dean looking at Paige.

“What is going on here?” Roman asked, his gaze shifting between Paige and I. I could see Dean shift awkwardly as he stood there, his ex-girlfriend only feet away from him.

“We were just having a laugh. Emma went out to get some stuff and I was here on my own so we just thought we’d have a little girly evening before you guys came back.” I made up quickly.

“Yeah. We were talking about our next match and getting to know each other a bit more.” Paige carried it on to make it sound more realistic but the guys continued to stand there in silence. Well my plan wasn’t going well so far…

“Are you guys just going to stand there staring at us all day or…?” I asked. They slowly edged their way into the room and all stared down at the double bed before them that I was happily sitting on.

“Really?” Dean said as if he had given up on everything. “They couldn’t even get the bed right?” I let out a small laugh.

“Yeah I know. I guess I’m taking the sofa bed.” I responded jokily.

“No way. I’m not sharing the bed with Roman.” Dean huffed, folding his arms. Paige let out a little giggle and I looked at her in amusement.

“What? You expect me to share a bed with one of you?” I laughed heartily.

“Well yeah.” Roman said blankly. “I’m not sharing a bed with Dean.” He also folded his arms.

“Look, let’s all just hang out and have a good time and whinge about the sleeping arrangements another time. Poor Paige is stuck here listening to you all whining!” I said, looking back at her as if to say the plan was going to come together soon.

“Well what are you planning on doing for the rest of the night?” Dean said, still not making any eye contact with Paige.

“Drinking. You?” I said as if he was the boring one of the group. His face lit up at the idea and out of my small suitcase I pulled out 4 bottles of alcohol; vodka, rum, whisky and gin. “I like to have fun when I go out unlike you guys.”

“Oh my gosh we should totally play truth or dare!” Paige squealed like an excited child.

“Sounds like a plan! You guys in or are you going to be lame?” I looked at both of them who were crumbling under the pressure. How bad could this be after all? It was only the four of us, four bottles of alcohol and a game that could make us do anything… 

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