Chapter 3

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Luca's POV

I groan moving around because the sun is hitting my face. Macy moves in my arms waking up. "Hey there kicker, are you a Soccer player by any chance?" I chuckle flicking her nose. "Hey!!" She rubs her nose. I take her hand away and kiss her nose.

"That's what happens when you are rude babydoll and basketball." She laughs and i hold her hands before she can cover it. My phone rings in the floor but i don't get it. She gives me a soft peck leaving me wanting more. "Luca today is tomorrow, time to stop dreaming and get back to the real world."

I don't want to go back. I want to stay in this bubble where im happy and i don't have to live up to someone's expectations because Macy likes talking to the real me. She goes over me getting the phone and i hold her waist so she doesn't fall forward.

I want to fuck her again so bad.

She puts it in my hand "here answer it and go back. I have to do the same." I hug her and my phone starts to ring again. I look at the screen while she lets go of me.


I look up at Macy but she's already getting dressed. "Hey." I groan still looking at Macy. "Where are you? You didn't answer last night or just now." Amy sounds pissed. "Where am i?" I probably shouldn't have answered until i had an excuse.

Macy gets in my ear telling me what to say. "I left my phone in the car and i passed out when i got home sorry." Macy kisses my cheek waving goodbye.

I shake my head reaching for her but she walks out anyway. "Oh well im glad you are okay why don't you come over for lunch? You can bring Eric too."

I roll my eyes still looking at the door. She's really gone. "Sure i will be there." I hang up through my phone back on the floor. I lay down and look up at the stars. They aren't shining, i guess it really is over.

She's gone.


I drove home and took a shower before going to Amy's apartment. I picked up Erick from the frat house along the way acting like I didn't stay there. He usually says no to hanging out at Amy's but this time he was excited.

"Hey i didn't see you yesterday. Did Amy let you come?" I nod parking. "I was there but there was a lot of people so i couldn't find you."

I don't usually lie to him or anyone but i know what i did is wrong. What's worst is that i don't feel any remorse. I don't care if he judges me but i don't want him to taint my memory of her.

We walk up the stairs. "I know what you mean i spend most of my night looking for this one girl but no luck. At least i will get to see her today." I open Amy's apartment door. "Why do you have classes with her?" He shakes his head speeding past me.

Amy runs to me for a kiss and i close the door. Out of the kitchen walks out Macy with glasses to distract by her book to notice us. Am i seeing things? Do i want to see her so bad that im making her up? She looks cute with glasses.

Amy follows my line of vision and squeals. "Right you guys haven't meet." She pulls me in front of the couch where Macy just sat down and Eric sits right next to her.

Macy looks up at me and her eyes pop. "Macy this is my boyfriend Luca. Luca this is Macy my roommate, she got her yesterday right after you left. She and Eric meet by the stairs when he was leaving so he helped us move her in." Macy gets up smiling and stretches her hand out.

"Nice to meet you." I shake her hand. "Nice to meet you too." We both sit down across from each other pretending not to know each other. Eric puts his hand around her. "She is the girl i was looking for last night. She was at the party too."

I nod trying to focus on him and not her. Amy gets up. "Okay well im going to make lunch." Eric frown "wait YOU are cooking?" Amy loves to cook but cooking doesn't love her. She crosses her arms "yeah so?"

Here we go.

Eric please don't "you can't cook for shit." Fuck. Amy looks at me "you like my cooking right?" I bite my lip and look at Macy. She gets up like Amy. "How about i make something? You know because im new, as a thank you."

Eric smiles and Amy slowly nods "sure why not." She sits back down next to me while Macy walks back to the kitchen.


Eric went with Macy and Amy keeps talking to me but i can't concentrate when i know Macy is so close to me, just one room over.

"Luca i got some magazines in my room i want you to look over." She gets up and leaves. I get up going to the kitchen. Eric is leaning against the counter looking at her back as she cooks. He looks at me and pouts at her ass mouthing "hot" i roll my eyes ignoring him.

"What smells so good?" I ask by the doorway making her jump and look at me smiling. "You so jumpy." I tell her walking in to see what she is doing. "I got lost in my head." In nod stealing a small pice of chicken. "You do that a lot."

"How would you know?" Eric asks behind me. Fuck. I shrug getting another pice because that's fucking delicious. "She didn't see us walk in because she was in her own world." Eric nods agreeing. "And she's not much of a talker."

Macy looks at me out of the corner of her eye smiling because Eric can't see her. I wouldn't say she's not a talker but i nod because im not supposed to know other wise. Amy walks in dropping a stack of magazines on the kitchen island.

"There you are." She hands me a weeding magazine and i groan throwing it back on the island. "Not this again Amy."

I walk out because i don't want Macy hearing about this. Amy follows me. "We are getting married anyways so why not now? That way we can start having kids."

We have had this conversation way to many times then it's necessary.

"Yes but not now because i want to finish school first. Maybe go to med school like i want but im to young for kids Amy. I don't want this now." She rolls her eyes.

"This again? Luca you aren't cut out to be a doctor. You are taking over for your dad and we are only a year younger then your mom when she got pregnant with you. Your dad AND brother were 17 when they had kids."

"And none of them planned it. Im not fucking arguing about this again!" I yell getting tiered of her telling me that im not good enough, smart enough or not cut out to be a doctor.

Macy walks out of the kitchen acting as a buffer. "I made chicken burritos. Why don't we eat."

Amy nods pretending everything is perfect. "Sure that sounds delicious." She walks to the kitchen but i walk to Macy quickly kissing her forehead. We both freeze and look at each other. It's just so easy with her, like it's second nature.

"Sorry" i whisper still to close to her for a strangers. She nods "i understand." She steps away walking to kitchen. Amy walks past her to me. "Are you coming." I nod walking in.

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