Chapter 27

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Luca's POV

I keep waiting for Amy's reaction to everything i just told her. She stayed on the couch closely listening to me not interrupting me once. No crying, no yelling she just keeps looking at me nodding.

"I know." She sighs. I frown getting up. "You know?" She nods again. "I didn't know she was back or about your daughter but i knew you cheated on me with her." I sit down shocked looking down.

She sadly smiles before a tear finally falls from the corner of her eye. "Did you know that you call for her in your sleep, almost every night." I look up "what?" She shrugs "You called for her the same moment you were taking my virginity on our wedding night."

I shake my head listening.

"I loved you so i talked myself into believing that i heard wrong, the first time, the second time, the ninth and every time you said her name through the first year."  I didn't know i was putting her through that.

"I sorry." I whisper looking down. I can't look at her. "I know you are." I nod looking at my shoes before looking up. "Why did you stay?" She puts a strand of hair behind her ear.

She cried the one tear and none followed.

"First year love. Then i didn't want to be the first one of my family to get a divorce. You know how they are, save yourself a marriage, marry young, have kids and grow old teaching their kids to do the same."

I look for any sign of anger or sadness but i can't find any. "You don't look mad." I point out and she looks down. "Luca....i did worst." She whispers.

"What could you have done? I had an affair with your roommate for months and had a daughter. I love this woman Amy." I shake my head.

She doesn't look at me. "I love someone else too." She's actually crying now. "Who?" I ask but she doesn't answer. "Amy who?"

"Luca you hadn't touched me in months after being married for just a few months. How could i be pregnant with your baby?" She whispers finally looking up.

1 month after graduating from state

Amy's POV

I cry on the couch hugging myself. We have been married for 9 months and it's nothing like i though it would be. I love him so much but his never here. His always studying since he got his acceptance letter.

When he is here his mind isn't. He doesn't touch me but it's better than when he did. He would moan for Macy keeping his eyes closed so he wouldn't have to look at me.

I don't want to think about all of the things he was thinking of doing to her while he was sleeping with me. I can't take it anymore but i can't leave. My family believes in until death do us apart.

They would probably disowned me. I can't loss Luca and my family all in one.

"Hey you ass are you ready?!!" I look up to see Eric walk in smiling. I guess i didn't look the door. I clean my face getting up. "What are you doing here?" He frowns pulling out a blunt.


"Why are you crying? Daddy didn't buy you a new sparkly car?" He laughs looking around. "Where's Luca? We have plans." I shrug smiling. "Library" i walk past him to the kitchen and he follows.

"Again? You were right." He hurls. " i can't believe i just said that but he IS all consumed with being a doctor." I nod looking at cabinets for ingredients. "Well that's what makes him happy." My voice cracks.

He walks to me and turns me around. He sees my tears and frowns. "This isn't about some sparkly car. What's this about?" I shrug cleaning my face before smiling again.


He leans back on the counter still smoking. I scrunch up my nose so he smirks. "You've never smoked have you?" I shake my head "of course not. That's disgusting."

He walks to me until our face are inches away before blowing out the smoke on my face. I cough stepping back. "Why are you such an ass?" I glare at him. He shrugs "and you are a liar. Why are you crying?"

If anyone knows it's him. I can't keep living with the questions. Does Luca love Macy? Is it lust? Did he acted on it or is it just fantasies? "Luca cheated on me with Macy. Didn't he?"

Eric looks at me and shakes his head. "No, why would you say that?" I lean next to him and take the blunt from his hand before taking a drag and coughing. He takes it back. "What the hell Amy?!"

I look at him. "He moans her name when we have sex. My own husband can't touch me without saying another woman's name. I guess im bad at it." He looks down and doesn't say anything. I take the blunt again but  he doesn't stop me.


I laugh movie to straddle him. He tries to push me off but i hold onto his neck. "Amy get o." I slam my lips into his. He stops me. "What are you doing?" I kiss him again and he moves his hands to my waist.

"Mmm Amy no your high." I shake my head. "So are you." He nods picking me up and putting me to the side before getting up. "But im always high. I know want im doing, you don't." I get up and take off my shirt. He groans and turns around.

I walk to him hugging his back sneaking my hand into his pants and he doesn't stop me. I grab his dick kissing his back. "Have sex with me. Make me feel like a real woman should." I whisper moving my hand.

He turns around taking my hand out. He cups my face. "Amy you are the kind of woman a man makes love to. I only know how to fuck. You wouldn't feel like a woman, you would feel like a whore." I kiss him and he kisses me back with more force.

I smile breaking away panting. I have never been kissed like that before. "Even better." I whisper. He smirks and picks me up.

Back to the present

"He was with me at the hospital when i lost his baby. That's why i didn't call you." She cries. That's why he was so weird that day when i called him. He was with my wife while she lost their baby.

I get up glaring at her. "You knew Macy for a day before i slept with her and i didn't even know you knew her! I cheated for 4 months! You chose my brother! I have known him since diapers and you had an affair for years. You told me his baby was mine and were mad at me when you lost it!!" I yell making her flinch.

Eric runs out of the guess room to Amy's side. "Don't yell at her!" I laugh without humor. This week would make any man crazy. Now i know why she took so long to open the damn door.

"I covered for you man but she started feeling guilty and was going to end things so i told her. You are no better!" He yells getting in my face.

I clench my fist before pushing him landing it on his jaw. "Luca!!" Amy yells putting Eric behind her protectively. I look at them both then just Eric. "I loved you man. Like i love Gabe sometimes more. You were my bast man and we learn to walk together."

We calm down. "Im sorry Amy but Eric i would have never done this to you. I hope she was worth losing me." He just hugs her looking down at her before looking at me. "She is worth that and so much more. I love her." He looks up at me.

"I'll be back for my stuff." I say walking out. I will stay at a hotel because my parents house is too far away from campus and Macy's place is out of the question. It would just confuse things.

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