Chapter 25

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Luca's POV

I sit on the couch bouncing my leg looking around. I get up when i see a picture of Alice eating cake. "She's definitely mine." I whisper touching her little face. She looks happy and it was her first birthday.

My anniversary, I got married when my daughter was being born. I was supposed to be at the hospital not the altar.

I missed it, i missed it all and now my daughter is a stranger. I didn't know how to get her to eat. What to do before closing the car door. How she likes her bath and what song to sing when she dances around.

And she loves to dance. I needed Macy for everything.

I hear Macy crying in her room. I would hate any woman that would do this to me but her. I'm angry, so angry my blood is boiling but i can't stand her crying. It makes me feel guilty but i shouldn't feel guilty so i get angrier.

I walk to her door and grab the handle. She's sobbing and it makes my own tears fall. I lay my head agains the door before letting go of the handle. I sit on the ground next to the door looking at Alice's picture.

I can't forgive her.

I clean my face "what did you do to us babydoll?" I whisper looking at the ceiling. I try to understand what she was thinking but i can't. I get up going to Alice's room.

She is way to conferrable with me to be just a picture.

Her room glows she has stars everywhere besides the ceiling. Her little blanket, on her walls, her mat, and above her crib. I see her kick around making me chuckle. "That must've been fun for your mom. She hated when i did that."

I love you, i love your mom so damn much it makes me feel stupid for loving her still.


I laugh picking up the plate and ignoring my phone again. "Alice you can't keep throwing your apple slices." She closes her mouth shaking her head. "No papa yucky" i chuckle kissing her head.

"She doesn't like apple. Pearls, banana and kiwis are her favorites." Macy whispers walking in with her eyes swallow looking at Macy. She must've cried all night. I take the plate away and look for something else.

"I would have known that if you hadn't." I stop when she walks out of the house on her shorts and thank top. The fuck is she thinking? I quickly get Alice from her seat following Macy. She's walking down the hallway. "Macy! Macy! What the hell?"

I run to her holding Alice to my chest. I grab her arm when she hits the elevator button but she looks down. "What the hell are you thinking?"

I hold her chin so she looks at me and she doesn't look good at all. Her eyes are almost bloodshot and her nose is red.

She takes my hand off hers. "You already have Alice just leave me alone." I scoff "so you're the victim now?" I don't yell because Alice is here.

"No im not Luca. I know i did this, im stupid, a mistake, a mess, the person who ruined your life. Does that sound familiar to you? I fucking warned you from day one but you didn't listen."

"Leave, leave and take her because i can't stop you but i can't stand you looking at me that way. The way i have been looked at my whole life. You think i don't know who i am? I know the pice of trash that i am." Alice starts to reach for her.

She looks at her but i step back putting Alice out of her reach. Macy looks at me nodding before walking backwards into the elevator and it says going up.

The doors close and Alice starts to cry for her. "Mommm!!!" I rock her trying to calm her down. "It's okay little doll." She shakes her head crying. "Star!!" I nod walking back to the apartment. "Sorry, little star." She starts to calm down.

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