Chapter 12

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Luca's POV

Amy sits on my lap feeding me pancakes. She does that a lot lately and i think it's because she can feel my pulling away.

It's hard to leave the person i have been with for so long. The person i once believed would be my future but that's not her anymore.

It's Macy who i see now.

I know that she doesn't see it the same way. Her mom has been brainstorming her since birth with the idea that she's broken, bad, not good enough. She won't let me love her but i do. She's way more than she gives herself credit for.

Most people see the tough armor she wears but im lucky enough to see so much more underneath it.

Eric grabs the blow up doll Macy got him and pretends to feed it too. "Honey you have to chew." He argues with the doll making us laugh but Macy. She has been lost in her own world after we came down.

She nearly burned her hand with the stove because she wasn't paying attention. I took over and finished myself. She looks down at her phone before it rings.

"I have to take it, it's my mom." She tells us before getting up walking upstairs. Eric leans in closer to us. "Why is she so gone?" He whispers incase she could hear.

Amy shrugs. "Knowing her, school or work. She's a little strange and doesn't socialize. Have you guys ever heard her mention anyone else besides her mom?"

Eric frowns thinking about it. "I never noticed." He looks at the stairs. She doesn't let people in so she has never made a long-term relationship with anyone.

Romantic or friendship, she believes them to be fake that everyone is just secretly hating her so she pushes them away herself.

"See weird." Amy nods eating.

She comes back down but with her suitcase. I get up forgetting that Amy was on my lap so she glares at me. "What are you doing?" I ask pointing at her suitcase.

"My mom had an accident so i have to go back." She has tear stains on her cheeks. She was crying, i have never seen her cry or like this. "Okay just give us a minute to get our stuff." I say going to the stairs.

"What?!" Amy complains. Macy shakes her head. "There is no point on you guys going back. My mom is a private person so i will go on my own." Amy nods. "Great idea, plus we will be back in a few days."

Macy nods giving us a small smile. "Well i have to go now. I already got a car to take me and i got a ticket back." She looks at us pausing a second longer on me. "goodbye."

Eric pulls her into a hug. "I hope your mom is okay." Amy hugs her next, they never hug so it's weird to see. Amy pats her back and sighs "well safe trip." Macy nods looking at her like she grew a second head.

She turns to me and i really want to go but what can i say. We hug a little longer than the others. "Im sorry about your mom." I whisper letting go. We break the hug and i can see the few tears that escaped her.

"Thank you Luca."she whispers but this one sounds different.


We count down to new years eve before Amy pulls me down into a kiss and Eric kisses his doll. His between funny and weird because he named her and everything.

I let go "I'll be back, bathroom." Amy nods as i walk away. I look the door behind me and call Macy.


She doesn't answer but she hasn't answer since she left. I know she's busy with her mom but i just want to be there for her. Im just glad we get back tomorrow night. I can't wait to see her again.

I walk out back to the living room. Amy immediately moves to my side. "Hey how about we stay in the master suite tonight. Macy isn't here anyway so we might as well sleep in the biggest bed." I really don't want to do that.

I nee to break up with her but im not doing it over the holidays that's just cruel. I could convince Macy to move in with me since she obviously can't be staying with Amy if we are going to be together. That will take a lot more convincing.

"You go ahead, Eric is to drunk to be left alone." I can see the disappointment in her face but im not sharing a bed with her, definitely not one i shared with Macy.

"Okay. You can join me after he falls asleep." I shake my head. "I don't want to wake you." I kiss her forehead before walking away.

I love her, i do but it's because she has been in my life for so long. I thought that she was a nice girl that cared for me. Someone i could share a life with. I didn't need the type of passion and dying love my papá describes.

I was settling without knowing it.

Eric runs to me. "Happy new year brother from a hot mother." I smack him over the head. "Fuck you." I laugh.

He gasp. "You think she will?" I roll my eyes ignoring him. He has been drooling over my mamá his whole life.

"We could have full latin babies. Not half breads like you, you know." I laugh throwing him over my shoulder.

"I could be mr. Nightingale!" I shake my head walking to his room. "That's not how the last name thing works. That would make you my dad's husband."

I put him down in bed and he laughs. "Your dad won't marry me. He hates me." He doesn't but he likes to mess with him. "I wonder why?" I ask sarcastically.

Eric gasps again. "You think he knows?" I gasp with him. "Could it be." I walk out laughing closing the door behind me.

I grab my phone and call Macy again.


I groan going back to my room. I lay in bed grabbing the candle on my nightstand. Doctor, why not? Im always talking about it but i don't do anything to make it happen.

Amy won't be a factor anymore and yes my dad really wants me to take over but He wanted the same from my sister Rose and he understood when she turned him down.

It's been 4 months how did i went from working for my dad and practically married to not wanting either.


It's around 9pm when the plane landed. I dropped Eric off and went with Amy so i could see Macy. We walk in and everything is off.

I put our suitcases by the door. I can't think of a single reason as to why i would need to go into her room.

Maybe she's sleeping, at work or with her mom.

Amy yaws. "I need a shower before i go to bed." Perfect. "Sure i will just wait here for my turn." I sit down on the couch turning the tv on.

I wait until i can hear the water to sprint into her room. I smile opening the door but it's dark in here.

"Babydoll." I whisper walking in so she doesn't get scared when she wakes up. She doesn't answer and when i make it to her bed i can feel that is empty. I frown walking back to the light switch to see that the entire room is completely empty.

There's absolutely nothing here I walk back to her naked bed because I see something on it. A glow in the dark star, i pick it up and read the words on it. "Goodbye"

She's gone.

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