Chapter 16

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Luca's POV

Amy walks in and takes the book for my hands. "You stood me up!" I take the book from her hands before walking away to my room.

I don't have the energy to talk or argue.

"Luca!" She follows me in. "You have been in auto pilot for a month now! What the hell?!" I ignore her still reading. I only want to be alone why can't the world leave me alone.

She sighs before walking to my bathroom. I walk to my notebook so i can take notes. I like the classes, they are just like Macy used to described. Amy walks back into my room and takes the book again.

She shakes my pill bottle. "Are you taking your meds?" No. "Yes." I get up taking it from her. "I can't miss a date without it meaning that im depressed?" She shakes her head. "I know how you get Luca. I wasn't actually asking. Why did you stop?"

I have been taking meds since i was a kid. My dad suffers from depression and out of the 5 of us im the only one that got it. My mom says that im really him in every way.

That's why i don't drink. It messes with it.

I just got tired of taking them. It's like being fake happy because im not allowed to be sad without everyone freaking out. All i want is to study, i need to focus on that.

Maybe if i do she will want to came back to me.

"Amy just leave me alone. I don't want you, i don't want to see you. Get out." I walk past her to the living room.

"You always say that when you get like this. It's not true." I lay down on the couch. All her talking made me tired.

I close my eyes and i don't know when i fell asleep but i woke up with someone shaking me. "Luca, Luca levántate." (Wake up.) i groan and move getting comfortable. "Luca!" I jump.

I rub my eyes to see..."papá?" He nods looking serious. "Levántate y toma un baño. Vamos a casa." (Wake up and take a shower. We're going home.)

I frown getting up. "Que haces aquí?" (What are you doing here?) i walk to the kitchen and get a beer. Dad follows and takes it from me. "Luca shower now! You can't drink." I groan getting another one but he takes that one too.

"Im not a little kid! Just get out. Why are you here anyway?" He groans into his hands. "Yo se, so stop acting like one. Your coming home if i have to drag you. Luca your mom is worried. Amy and Eric called us."

(I know)

I frown "mom?" He nods "she wants you to come home. At least for the weekend." I don't want mom to worry. "Fine." I nod walking to my bathroom.

When i walk out dad hands me a sandwich. "Here. Amy said you haven't woken up from that couch for 2 days." I take it. "It felt like minutes." I mumble taking a bite.

He nods washing me eat. "It always does."


Dad tells me how Gabriel reacted when dad told him that he was taking over for him now since im going to med school.

"That boy is JUST like your grandmother. He looked like i was giving him a death sentence. I don't think he will actually want to do it but i can't skip him because i do believe in him. If he turns me down Elizabeth is the only one left and she wants to take over for your mom."

I nod looking out the window. Then i remembered something. "Did you know your ex Carly has a daughter my age?" He frowns. "How do you?" He doesn't like the subject.

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