Chapter 23

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Luca's POV

It's my parents anniversary, 24 years 6 months before i was born. They always do a family dinner at their house with the whole family. My twin sisters Lily and Rose. Lily with her twin daughters Sam and Abby.

Rose with her wife Chloe, son David and Daughter Ruby. My little brother Gabriel and his 3 year old daughter Nikki. My little sister Elizabeth but she's just 17 so she's alone.

I always bring Eric and now Amy since she's my wife and my parents have to invite her now.

We hit the table. "Speech Speech Speech!" Dad laughs getting up pulling mom with him. They kiss making us groan. Mom laughs "oh grow up." She looks back at dad.

I see the way they look at each other and i want that. Macy is the one that gives me hope of having it. I look at Amy and i feel the same way i would if i was looking at Eric.

Dad kisses her head. "Okay so Doll, my wife and i....i still can't believe you're my wife, what are you nuts?"

We laugh with him. "Well my wife and i don't have the usual meet in a bar love at first sight kind of story. It was hard very hard but if there's something that i want you guys learn it's that love." They look at each other.

"At least the real kind, it's worth it all. The tears, the arguments and anything else life throws your way so to my 2 sons and 3 daughters, once you find it don't let it go. No matter what, right Doll?" Mom smiles kissing his chest.

"Uhhh i don't know, im still debating." He picks her up for another kiss. "Asco!" (Gross) Gabriel coughs makings us laugh and mom glare at him. "No cake for you."

Gabriel only shrugs. "I don't like cake." Wrong answer.

Mom points at him looking at dad "that's YOUR son." He shakes his head. "Not mine his YOURS." Gabriel laughs looking at them.

"Thanks a lot guys really." Elizabeth shrugs. "They're right, they found you in a dumpster and took pity on you."

I laugh pointing at him. "Burn." She scoffs at me "what are you laughing at? They tried to give you away but no one would take you." My smile drops makings everyone laugh. Dad points at me "burn!"



I throw the grape at Macy and she catches it with her mouth. "Wow im the boss!" She cheers eating it. "Calm down boss. That was your 7th try." She laughs covering her mouth throwing me a grape.

She avoided me for 3 days after we had sex. I had to practically throw her in my back seat and drive away so she would have lunch with me. She wouldn't talk so i got my lunch and started throwing the grapes at her.

"Are you going to stop avoiding me now?" Her smile drops. "I wasn't, i just...we are better with our own separate lives." I pull her between my legs while i sit on the hood of my car. "You don't really believe that, do you? Where you happier without me?"

She looks over my shoulder and i know she's going to lie so i stop her. "Don't, babydoll. We don't lie to each other and even if we do, we know when the other is doing it. The only reason i didn't know you were lying about your mom is because i would have never expecting you to lie about that."

I take her hand and smile when i see that she's still wearing the Alice in wonderland bracelet i got her. My smile slowly drops when i remember what i did with her gifts after Carly told me she left with some guy.

She looks me in the eye. "Am i lying when i say that i NEED you to stay away. That if you get to close you will hate and destroy me. I have messed up your life and i don't want to loss...i just need you to stay away." I hold her when she tries to step back.

"Loss what Macy?" She looks at me in fear. "I" her phone rings. I let her get it from the passenger seat. "Fuck! Luca drive me back. I need my car NOW!" She gets in and i follow.

I start to drive. "What is it?" She just looks out the window. "I just need to be somewhere and i don't want to be late." I frown looking at the road. "Then why don't i just take you directly?" She looks at me for a moment, her eyes glazing over.

She has been so emotional since she came back.

She shakes her head. "My mom won't want to see you," i scoff "last time you went to go see your mom i didn't see you for almost 3 years."

She doesn't say anything.

As soon as i park the car she runs out to hers. I get out and she turns to me thinking before getting into her's. "Is she leaving again?" I whisper before getting back in my car. She drives away and i follow two cars behind.

She's not leaving again.

I follow her but she never leaves campus. She stops at a colorful little building. She gets out running in so i get down. What is she doing?

She stops at the receptionist. "Name?" The old woman asks looking at the computer screen. "Alice Nightingale." Macy answers.

Alice Nightingale?

"She's on her way." The old woman smiles. I wait in the doorway afraid to move as i look around.

This is a fucking day care! Alice NIGHTINGALE! Did she leave because she got pregnant with my kid?!

Would she do that?

A little girl walks in running to Macy but she sees me behind her. Her face lights up and she runs to me instead. Macy turns following her but she sees me and stops.

The little girl hugs my leg. "Papa!" She squeals.

I finally break eye contact with Macy who is now crying to look at the little girl. She smiles up at me like she knows me. Her soft curls are in a ponytail and her little yellow dress makes her look like a princess.

She's all Macy but i can feel it, she's mine.

I look up at her to ask but i already know. "Is she mine?"

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