Chapter 21

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Luca's POV

I groan taking the sticky note off refrigerator. "At my mom's." I crumble it before throwing it in the trash. "Good" i shrug before making breakfast.

She's never here and when she is she's always mad. We argue until we are both red and ready to kill each other. She hates me but won't say why. I ask and the screaming starts again.

I don't need it, im starting my second year today and i can't wait to start on my new classes. 3 more years and i start my residency. I don't need her here to put me down either. I can't get a B or C without her telling me i told you so.

She thinks im to stupid to do it.

All i hear is Macy saying she's wrong so i keep going.

I only got a C once and that was because she wouldn't stop yelling at me about studying so i couldn't study. I left to my parents place leaving my books behind because i didn't want to be there.


I groan walking away. "Come on it's just studying." Leah follows still flirting with me. I turned her down the orientation day last year but that wasn't enough. She has been following me around for a year now.

"Leah it's the first day don't start." I look at her over my shoulder. "Im happily married and i don't." I bump into a girl so i hold her before she falls. "Are y" i look down at her.


She's here. In my arms.

She looks up at me and goes wide eye. "Luca." I immediately let go. "What are you doing here?" She doesn't move or blink but holds her
school papers up. She goes here, She looks beautiful like always but now i know who she is.

"Your mom said that you were in Chicago." She still doesn't move. "Mom?" I nod. "With your boyfriend." I clench my jaw. She blinks snapping out of it. "My boyfriend, my mom." She repeats back to me nodding.

She looks down and her eyes zero in on my wedding ring. "I-i..i have to go." She mumbles already walking past me. What's wrong with her? I turn to follow. "Wait, Macy." I push against the crowd but she's gone. I can't see her with so many people around.

"She's good at disappearing." I whisper looking away. "Who's the dumb bitch?" Leah asks next to me putting her arm around mine. I snatch it back before walking away.

I have class.


I don't hear a word the professor is saying up there. I keep drifting away to look for Macy across the crowd even though i know she must be studying to be a neurosurgeon and she's first year so she wouldn't be in this course.

As soon as they dismiss us i make a bee line for the door. She has to be in the first year building. It's huge but at least i have an idea of were she is now. If i get some answers i can move on.

I just want to see her. There's no point on lying to myself.

I look over the crowd for her but i don't see her. I look around before moving on to the second floor. The halls are full and there's no way i can find her in here.


I move around until i finally see her talking on the phone walking into the bathroom. I push the people to the side earning a lot of glares.

I walk in and it's full. "Get out!" The girls turn to me and most do while Macy hangs up. "Are you serious? You get out."

I look down at the curly head "am i kidding? Get out!" She rolls her eyes walking out with the rest making Macy groan. She walks to the door but i slam it and lock it. "Luca! What the hell is wrong with you?" I move so she can't reach the handle.

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