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First and foremost I would like to thank Allah azza wa jal for giving the knowledge, ability and keeping us all alive through this book. Alhamdulillah 🤲

Then I'll love to thank everyone who pushed me to write this book, my sister most especially. She'll always be like; have you updated? Why haven't you updated? Oya update five chapters straight! 😂

Then my mum (even though she has no idea what type of book I'm writing 🤣). But she still encourages me to go on but hates it when I'm always using my phone 🙃

My friends, thanks so much for your encouragement and support, it meant everything 🙏

Then last but not least, my beautiful readers. Thanks a lot, thanks a lot, thanks a lot. LMBY wouldn't have come where it is now if not for you guys and I appreciate your love and support 🥰🥰 thanks again for being patient with my lazy self (I know it's hard but I highly appreciate 🙃)

So LMBY just popped out from nowhere and the only thing I knew when starting the book was the protagonist is gonna be a cupcake lover. Crazy isn't it? 😅

Well I started, not knowing where to start from or where to end or what to even write about and I can't really say what my inspiration was, I just wrote a book about arranged marriage and blah blah and my sis told me it's good so I started it on this platform🤷‍♀️

Now all I can say is that, the book is a success, over 13k reads!!! THAT'S A HUUUGGEEE SUCCESS!!! I never thought I'd get more than a thousand reads honestly.

So thanks once more and may we jam again in my other books😉

Yours personally,

Go nah, I'm done.

OMG what are you still doing?

Okay okay, you got me 😒

LMBY is not done😁 did I give anyone a heart attack? If yeah, sorry ko?🤭

Well let's just say we're in the intermission, if I can use that word 😂 and Amira is really in for a battle.

So I had initially wanted to write the whole thing in one book but then I thought it's gonna be too bulky (bulky books make me lazy.) And that's why I split it in two. Well I really don't know if the next will be shorter or longer or same as this but nevertheless, LMBY got a sequel. (Should I call it that?)

Well it's more of a continuation cos everything's still gonna be the same and we'll just carry on from where we dropped off but on a new chapter 😉

Now the title is BEING YOURS, (yeah, I know what that rang 😂) well the book will be literally baseless if none of them falls for the other in the end. So we'll see who falls for who and what will become of their relationship.

We've come to the end of LMBY and with your approvals, I'd love to start with BEING YOURS by Monday in shaa Allah.

Waiting for your thoughts on this,
Xoxo ❣

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