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The pain was too agonizing to hold in, her spine must've been misplaced by the hit with the... she doesn't even know, she's just on the floor in a flash with her head, arm and back hurting and her tears scrolled down in hot streams.

Cold fingers wrapped violently around her nape and she cried.

"Didn't I make it clear?!" He gnarred, squeezing her neck further.

She nodded quickly, trying to get his hand off her.

"Speak!" He strangled her more.

"Y... yes." She cried, the pain was hurtful as hell.

"When I say stay away, you fucking stay away."


"Now leave!" He flung her head in a fit making it clash with the coffee table and she fell on the rug, writhing in pain.

He seized her arm and yanked her up, pulled her mercilessly out of his living room and threw her outside.

He did same with her phone and headphone then went back in and slammed the door shut.

She lay there, crying. Her back was stiff, her body burned and the headache only increased. She painfully picked herself up and staggered to her room before he comes and meets her there.

She stretched her back on her bed and groaned in pain. Ever since her accident three months ago, she'd been having constant backaches. It only starts when she hits her back or bends for long, but she's never experienced this much pain. It's like a mass of nails were put there and they stung with every little movement she made.

It's my fault. I shouldna gone to his room when he's this angry.

She painstakingly went into the bathroom and took a hot shower to ease her joints. The pain lessened but didn't go away. She just applied an ointment on the bruise on her face and elbow, tried massaging her back but gave up when it became unbearable and played a Qira'a to ease her mind.

Slowly, she managed to conk out.

* * *

"Mami!" She heard her Ya Abdul calling.

Excited, she left the food she's eating and ran out, bubbling over.

Ya Abdullah's back from school! Ya Abdullah's back from school! Was all her naive mind told her.

But coming out of the house, she saw everyone crying and a corpse lay in the middle of the courtyard.

"Ya Abdullah's dead!" Nabeelah cried and Amira almost lost balance.

Ya Abdullah's dead?!

She ran back in but instead of landing in the sitting room, she found herself in a dark place where she's unable to discern what was what. It's pitch black.

She heard her name being called again and she flinched.

It wasn't Ya Abdul's voice this time around. It's an orotound and reechoing one.

A cry broke out of her lips as she continued walking, calling her mum and crying for help.

Then she saw him, just when she's about landing into a gulf, he held her back.

He saved me! Ali saved me!

He took her with him and she happily obliged, thinking he's her protector, her saviour.

He brought her to a cottage, a very beautiful one and took her in. He made her safe there, he provided everything she'd need for there, and she thought he'd be her world.

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