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The morning was pretty cold and the weather was dark enough to assure a downpour. Amira got dressed in a purple tracksuit after a late morning bath then went down to the laundry room to get the vacuum cleaner and other things she'd need to clean up her room.

She tidied up her bedroom, living room and closet in about half an hour but postponed the toilet for later on and placed a call to Bahira.

They chatted and joked around while she went to put back the things she used for cleaning.

After that, she went to prepare herself something to eat.

As she walked into the kitchen, she stopped on her tracks as her eyes caught sight of him through the window taking a swim.

Wow, thought the pool was just for fashion.

"Hellooo! Is someone there?" Bahira cooed from the line.

"Uh, yeah, I am. Where were we even?"

"Uh? I was busy rambling about this lecturer who made a pass at me and you weren't even listening!"

"Oh I'm sorry but, can I call you later?"

"Ah whatever. Don't even call me." She disconnected the call and Amira kept her phone on the kitchen island.

She's fascinated by his swimming skills, diving, flutter kicking, flipping, turning, it's simply amazing.

Any one who'd see her there with a grin on her face will think she's falling deeply in love with that stone-hearted lunatic but nah, her heart knows better than that.

Or perhaps she didn't know her heart well.

She didn't even know when her legs carried her round the island to the window for a better look.

He swam with so much beauty and zeal, like his body was just too used to the water.

Was he before a merman?

But whatever, he'd beat them in swimming.

She felt an unknown feeling of pride come over her and she caught herself wishing that once, just once she wants to spend quality free time with him. To get to know and get closer to him because even when he's near, he's still so far.

As if he suddenly fell tired, he laid skyward, his eyes closed and he kept himself buoyed up in the water.

She watched as the sun rays hit the water making it reflect on his perfect skin with a shimmering effect.

Gosh! She could capture him like that and store away to admire forever.

What's wrong with you?! Her subconscious mind slapped her on the head. This is none other than the big fierce and cold man you've been married to for months!

Maybe he isn't just that, maybe that's just the part of him he's letting me see. There might be something more, something beautiful.

Are you falling for this guy?!

Now that snapped her out of her trance. Fall... in... No! No way!

She shook her head and hurried out of the kitchen.

I can't be that stupid.

She barely reached her room when the rain started pouring and she couldn't resist her hunger and need for tea.

With a sigh, she went back to the kitchen and couldn't stop herself from taking a peak again.

He's now seated on the lounger in a silk black robe, sipping a bottle of coke as he spoke with Imam and Philip.

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