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The pleasure of the moment begins to wither almost as soon as it blossoms; our pleasures are soon swallowed up in time's relentless torrent. ~Michel Quoist.
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The Christmas holidays just rolled in and while she was thinking of spending it here in Yola, Amira just got informed that her uncle wants her to spend it at his in Niger.

She didn't want to go home because she was sure her mum will strain her on going to Plateau and she didn't want any drag with her so, Niger wasn't such a bad idea.

After the drama on that Friday, Yusuf had come on Monday morning to take her to school. He explained himself quite convincingly but her instinct told her something was off. Not just with him but with all the rest, even the Lamido himself. It was like they were all walking on eggshells around her but she strongly believed something was wrong and it had everything to do with her.

"But what can you do? Noone will say anything." She spoke to her reflection in the mirror.

She peeked at the clock and her pulse raced. "I'll have to go now." She browsed herself. "I'm really not a makeup person so I'm okay. Bye." She caught herself doing this more often recently. It's like her very own therapy. Funny.

She picked her handbag and threw in it her phone, purse and other stuff. She flung a veil over her head and put her headphone around her neck before rolling her bag out of the room.

"No, I'll take her alone." She heard as she stepped into the main living room.

"Done already?" He asked, noticing her presence. He was seated beside Hajiya Halimah. Goggo, Farida and Abba were seated on the couch opposite theirs.

"Yup." She smiled.

"Aunt Ami I wanna come with you to the airport please." Abba requested.


"You won't Abba." Farida cut her short.

"But_" He started again.

"Abba." Hajiya Halimah shot him a look.

She was bemused by their disapproval. What's so wrong in him coming too?

"May we?" Yusuf faced her.

She nodded absently. "Mummy make I go." She hugged her from behind.

"My regards to Yaya and Hajarah. Safe journey my dear." Hajiya Halimah bade, patting her head softly.

"Amin amin."

"Goggo ti." She joked, kneeling before her legs.

"My blessings are always with you dear." She ran her frail hands over her veil. "I'll really miss your evening massage."

"You say that all the time but Rida will do it, no worries." Amira beamed.

"Wannan? (This one?)" She shot her a playful glare. "She knows nothing but fashion."

"Goggooo." Farida whined, kicking her legs in the air.

"Ok I'm sorry, you're picking up now." She patted her. "Go now dear, you might be late."

"Hope you didn't forget your ticket." Hajiya Halimah teased.

"No," Amira laughed. "It's with me." Forgetting tickets used to be a protocol for her.

Farida and Abba walked them to the car which was already parked in front of the building. "Won't you spare me a hug too?" Farida jeered.

"Na isa? (Dare I?)" Amira gave her a tight hug.

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