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"Some days are just bad days, that's all. You have to experience sadness to know happiness, and I remind myself that not every day is going to be a good day, that's just the way it is!"

- Dita Von Teese

* * *

"Why did you agree to get her married?"

"Because she's my daughter."

"Mumcy do you have any idea what those numskulls have been bruiting? That you're selling your daughter off for money?"

"And is that why you're troubling yourself Nazeer? Yau suka fara?" Her upper lip rose in disdain.

"Their talks isn't what's bothering me but my sister's life. Since when did you become a party to arranged marriages?"

"Nazeer kana da hankali kuwa?"

"Why won't you answer my question? Are you really ditching her?"

"You don't speak like that to your mother Nazeer." Abdulhayy intruded as he moseyed into the room.

"Could you please keep off this conversation? No one called you here." He countered rudely to his stepfather.

"Nazeer ka shige taitayinka." Hajiya Salmah admonished.

"Amira's her daughter_"

"And my sister." He flared. "Are you seriously gonna forsake her life by marrying her off to someone you don't even know?"

"He's the Lamido's son." She stated.

"That's why you're getting her married to him, isn't it?"

"Nazeer," She frowned. "Amira's my daughter."

"Then cancel this bloody marriage and let her get married to whom she wants."

"She has agreed to get married."

"Because you forced her. That brother of yours forced her to."

"Nazeer ya ishe ka." She snapped furiously. "Don't you have an ounce of respect left in you?"

"Mumcy don't get her married."

"Then call her and tell her to cancel it."

He gazed at her for a second... two... he puffed exasperatedly and shot up to his feet, dialing on his phone.

* * *

The Sulaiman Hamza's were seated in the sitting room, enjoying a late-night movie and conversing about how their their day has went.

They've earlier gone for Farida's grad before planning another home party for her. It'd lasted for three hours till 9 pm before they completed everything and met up by 11.

"I was like damn it, not even in my grad did you guys grandstand like that. You just racked up the oomph and splendor." Yusuf bantered.

"And some were like, why so much flamboyance? A whole envoy to a child's graduation?" Amira smiled as she munched on a piece of vanilla cake.

"Well it wasn't overplayed." Farida chimed in.

"Everyone thought it was." Hajiya Halimah asserted. "Thanks to Ali."

Ali teared his eyes from the TV to her. "Thanks to me you bagged the reverence you deserved."

"What's so wrong in going quietly? You see the attention you sparked? What's the use?"

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