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Okay okay okay, I know a lot of people will be ready with their guns by the end of this chapter but lemme clean myself.

I only write, like only write, the characters think on their own, act on their own, I only relate. So please don't attack me, go to Ali, I don't know what to do with him. I talk and talk and talk but Ali... 😔

Just bear with him🙏

* * *

He hasn't left yet but she's feeling herself slowly going back into her abysmal box.

The two weeks with Abba around - Yusuf left a day after the dinner, was quite fun. She didn't see much of Ali, as usual, he's always away.

But she still can't shake off the fact that she's hurting, she's lonely, and Abba will be going back to school that day and she'll be left all alone again.

She dismissed Janet a week ago, actually she's taken half-time.

And she couldn't get why Ali's refusing to let her go with Abba. He went shopping yesterday and Ali vehemently disagreed to Amira going with him. And today too.

She couldn't get why he's doing so. He wants her to stay indoors?

Well she's literally always at home. The only times she's gone out in her two months of marriage was when she went to school, her biweekly beauty salon, the day they went for the 'unfortunate' dinner and then the outing with Yusuf.

Well that isn't so disturbing since she herself isn't one to always be on the road, she very much prefers her privacy but the boredom is suffocating and she misses her family so much.

But how will she approach Ali with that? What'll he think? What'll he say? Or perhaps pounce on her.

She's trying, Allah's her witness, to make their relationship work. But can she do that when they're always miles away from each other? Even when he's at home there always seems to be a barricade between them. He ignores her like she doesn't exist.

Even a few times when their paths cross he goes on with his business as if nobody's there. Even her greetings are left to the air.

How then will she get close to him and even know him?

All the advices she got during the wedding was; try and get closer to him, be good to him, learn his likes and dislikes, obey him, carry out your wifely duties perfectly.

Isn't she trying?

By Allah she is. Even if nobody says it she knows she is.

Maybe she should be stubborn and try making him his meals, making his room, welcoming him back home but...

Get it straight Ali doesn't have a fixed routine. You never know when he'll be back, when he'll be gone, how long he's gonna stay... Then how can she make his meals? She doesn't even know what he eats and what he doesn't. All she knows about his choice of food is he's fond of coffee, like a lot, it's like his water. Then on a few occasions she's seen him with dates, apples and Gala. Honestly apart from the two dinners at Yola where she's seen him take a few spoons of 'food', she's never seen him with a plate.

Well he doesn't even stay at home so how will she know? Maybe he eats when he's away.

And on a couple occasions she's tried calling him. Yikes! Those were the toughest risks she's ever taken in a very long time. Anyways, his phone is always unreachable. Maybe it's just her line but she can never get through to him.

So that's very much what her marriage is.

Everything she knows about her own husband are merely tales from his family, nothing exclusive.

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