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She sulked her life those past few days. All the happenings were taking a slow burn on her. It was like her guardian angel just decided to quit not even sparing a notice. And worse still, just when she thought he's finally here to stay.

She hit it off with Yusuf quite quick. Their relationship was rather, complex. He was a friend, brother, companion and anything else, just the right guy to knock about with. Although they weren't much of a couple.

He'd professed his feelings for her at the early days of her stay in Yola. 'I really like you Amira'.

She was shocked, no doubt, but that wasn't the first time a guy declared his feelings for her. But his was different, and she'd declined nicely.

That didn't break his hopes. He did everything to win her love but she never gave in.

At times she felt bad for him but she just couldn't get herself to love him back. Maybe because she was scared of commitment or afraid of getting hurt. Or perhaps, he wasn't as cool as he seems or he'll just change out of the blue. Or maybe, she didn't deem herself worthy of his love.

Most likely, because she had no desire for relationships. She'd witnessed a lot of relationship crisis, her parents' being that which broke her more. Most men are disgusting, so she believed, a good one is very rare to find.

But Yusuf was a sweet man, he got the looks, the brain, the cash, even the religion, plus he was as cool as cucumber. Yusuf was just perfect. She knew a ton of girls who glued themselves to him and although it made him quite uncomfortable, he couldn't just send them away. That'd be rude and he wasn't one to hurt feelings, but he hurt hers now.

She didn't know why, but it's like, one of the reasons she didn't give in to Yusuf; being hurt, was what she felt now.

She felt betrayed, unwanted, left-out, wistful and angry. But at who? Herself? Or her mum? Or Uncle Dawud? Or the Lamido? Or most probably, Yusuf.

It was like he just shed her. Discarded her out of his life, like a dracula who'd sucked the blood out of a carcass.

She realized how much she wanted him now, she never thought realizing that they couldn't be together will scathe her feelings that much. It's like her heart was on a conflagration, spreading painful flames round her entire body.

But it wasn't like she loved him, so why does it hurt this much? Why was his letting her go pain this much? Was she in love with him? How's that possible?

But she couldn't get herself to accept all that's happening. She wished to fall asleep and wake up to find out it's just a big bad dream and everything was okay. And she won't have to marry Ali. And her mum and uncle weren't begging her to accept such pathetic offer. And Yusuf isn't also on the same page. And she'll have the balls to say no to them.

But all this is real - rigid and concrete. It is happening. They do want her to marry Ali.

Ali of all men.

That stupid, cold, arrogant, fool of a prince.

Her heart was crushing little by little. Her mind was scattered in her skull. Nothing of hers was working alright. She's just a beautiful mess in gruesome pain.

A pain so unbearable, she couldn't even find her tears.


When she didn't answer, the door clicked open and a female figure stepped in. "La haula wa la quwwata illa billah!" Sis exclaimed. "What in Jannah's name is wrong with you?" She looked around but couldn't make out anything. "Amira?"

No response.

She moved blindly, tapping the walls for the switch. "Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un! Amira!" She exclaimed after successfully lightening up the room, seeing her sister curled up on the sajjadah. She moved closer and placed the plate of food on the bed then knelt beside her. "Amira! Amira!" She called, tapping her.

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