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He laid on his back on the bed, staring blindly at the ceiling.

Her words kept reechoing in his psyche. Her hurtful, bitter words. The painful tears that masked her face.

He'd watched her cry her eyes out and could do nothing about it. It hurt him more than the fact that he was the one behind those tears.

He hated seeing her cry, yes he'd made her do so countless times but has never seen her so broken, so shattered.

And to see her in that state shattered him too. He wanted to talk, to apologise, to act out that he did care for her, that he never meant anything that he'd ever done to her, that he wanted to make them right again, that he wanted to invest in their relationship, but nah, as simple as it sounds, it's almost impossible to put to action.

He just couldn't do anything. He made a fool of himself and his silence only hurt her more. His inability to act only made her hate him more.

At a point, he's thinking of actually letting her go but it's also as hard as keeping her.

If he does divorce her then what will happen? That won't make his dad to forgive him for what he did. It won't make her to forgive him either then what's the essence?

And keeping her, how'd he do that? How'd he start to even talk not to talk of convincing her that he's really actually sorry for what happened between them?

And if she did come back to him will he be able to make it up to her? Can he be a husband she do desires? Can he open up and be okay around her? Can he get himself to commit to her?

All these questions were left unanswered. All he could do now was his best even though he just doesn't even know what he wants. He isn't even sure he's doing the right thing.

But what is the right thing?!

He sighed and sat up limply, then slipped on his slippers. All that's happening really took a negative toll on him. He's feeling under his feet and he knew he had to do something about it and fast.

Then his phone rang.

"Assalaamu-alaiki Aunt."

"Wa alaikassalam Ali," She sounded pensive and it got him worried. "Where are you?"

"Abj. Is anything the problem?"

She went quiet. "You haven't divorced her yet?"

"No. What's it?" He didn't know what to even think.



"Her uncle was here last night,"


"Your dad invited him over and somehow found out you still haven't divorced her and he's... he's really angry."

Ya Salaam! "But I don't know what I'm gonna do Aunt. Everything's just so messed up right now."

"Yusuf said you went to apologise to her?"

He sighed and pinched the space between his eyes. "Kind of."

"So what? What did she say?"

"I haven't yet. She's mad as heck at me and won't even hear me out."

"I tried calling her but her line's off."

"Don't call her Aunt. It'll only complicate things more. I'll just handle things myself."

"But what if things don't work out?"

"Then I honestly don't know what to do again. But I just know I have to do something and divorcing her isn't as easy as it seems."

"I wish I could help you but I'll try to calm your father down somehow. I pray all this ends soon, please take care of yourself okay?"

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