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Where the hell is this blind girl?!
He picked his phone and dialed Farida.

"Call this girl up. I don't have the whole day to stay here." And he dropped the call.

* * *

For the first time in her whole life, she demurred coming to Yola. She wished she could just move somewhere else. Maybe move in with the angels. That'd be spectacular!

The air-conditioning, the people, the noises, everything browned her off. She shuffled to the lounge hoping to see her 'Prince Charming' but nay, he wasn't there.

You expected a little too much girl.

She's told he'd be picking her up. Quite unfortunate.

She was in fact infirm. She hadn't fully recovered from the accident but she'd made Abba a promise. He'll be going back to school in two days.

Everyone was really worried about her coming. The doctor suggested a full two-week bedrest but here she was, a week after. She had the casts taken off the day before. She couldn't travel with all those white rags.

Her head throbbed and she felt nauseous. She managed to get a seat and she supported her head with her palms. The battle of Badr was reoccurring in there.

Then her phone buzzed.

"Hey." Farida's pitched voice came.

"Zup?" She asked weakly. She couldn't even keep her lids apart.

"Umm..." She started nervously. "Ya Ali said you should meet him at the parking. I'm sorry Amira, please bear with him."

"No probs." She cut the call.

You weren't expecting him to be Yusuf, were you?

She stood up and dragged herself out of the building. She brought nothing except herself, laptop and phone. Moreover, she was spending less than two months with the title 'Miss'.

She footslogged to the lot, the sun showing no mercy on her dog-tired cells and looking for her torturer.

How on earth is he expecting me to find him in this place? Half the population on earth are here!

She dialed Farida. "Might you do me the favour of asking him where he is exactly? I'm getting scorched."


She leaned against a car, saying her last prayers. Azra'il is on his way to take her soul.

Her phone beeped moments later and a phone number popped on the screen with the caption; He'll call you.

The phone rang seconds later.

"Hey, where are you?" A voice questioned. It wasn't Ali's, more like Jalaal's. Are they together?

"By the entrance of the spot." She mumbled.

"Ok. We're coming." Beep.

We? Ya Allah my head aches badly. She took a load off on the grass, gaining uncanny glares from passerbys. Not like she cared. The raw green smell of the grass incited her nausea and her whole body shivered. She laid her heavy head on her knees, trying to press back her queasiness.

A couple of minutes later and a car pulled over before her.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting in-law." The same voice she'd talked to said. "Are you okay?" He knelt before her.

Her vision was blurry so she couldn't discern who it was. She lifted her head up and the blinding rays of sun pierced her iris, her head felt heavier and it went down and the next thing, she fell into strong hands, her breath heavying up and then a fading voice calling her name and then darkness.

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