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Peppered chicken, chips, omelette, fruit salad, all set! She puffed out satisfactedly.

It was the first day of Ramadan and she decided to prepare iftar for Ali. She wasn't sure he'd be home but she had this instinct that he would, a very strong gut feeling.

Like who stays away from home during Ramadan?

She chewed a date and hurried to her room for maghrib.

Folding the sallajah after her salat, she heard the hum of an engine pull up in front of the building. She was familiar with that sound. His Lexus RX. He uses that more than the other cars. Seems it's his favourite.

She hurried down and waited for him in the dining room.

* * *

"Assalamu alaikum."

"Wa alaikas-salam bunayy, Ramadan Kareem."

"Allahu Akram Dad, how's the iftar?"

"Masha Allah, it's going well. You're the only ones missing y'know, Fara and Jalaal are here."

"That's good. Hope you're all doing well."

"Yes we are. We're fine thank you. And you?"


"And Amira? Where is she?"

"At home. I'm just coming in from the masjid."

"Oh, my regards to her. Let me eat now, it's going to be a long night."

"Alright Dad, ma'as-salaam."

"Fi amaanillah."

He ended the call and got his messenger bag from the passenger seat before exiting the car.

And no call goes by without him asking after Amira.

He came in and as usual, was welcomed by the mesmerizing scent of incense. He won't lie, he loves the way she keeps the air so welcoming.

He caught a glint of her in the dining room, certainly waiting. How can a lady be this persistent? Altering his prior intention of going to the kitchen, he headed for the stairs.

"Ramadan Kareem." She said but he ignored and kept walking up.

Ok. "I prepared iftar." She said again and he stopped.

..., let me teach this girl a lesson.

He sauntered back to the dining room and inspected the dishes.

"All these are mine?" He asked, not sending a squint her way.

"Yeah." She tugged at her fingers.


The way he reiterated the word didn't spell good and she fixed her eyes on him, his suit devilishly glamorizing him.

"I don't like being held off."

"Uh..." She swallowed. "Well, you could just dish up what's apt for you. I'll take out the rest."

"Come serve me then." He backed away from the table, his hand finding a way to his pocket.

She stood there, transfixed on her spot and eyes pinned on him. What's going on with this guy?

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