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Ali walked into the sarauniya's chamber expecting to see them all there but expect for a few maids, there's noone else.

He knew the men must have left but what of Mama and Aunt? Perhaps Farida's gone back home with her husband.

He needed someone to comfort him, he needed someone to talk to, he desperately wanted someone to even look at him and only his grandma was on his mind.

He asked a maid for her and she said she's in the kitchen.

He went there.

"Mama," He stood by the door, reviewing her working frame making a cup of tea.

Goggo completely ignored him and he left his spot to approach her.


She stopped him by waving him off to leave the kitchen.


"Leave." She ordered calmly.

""Mama please_"

She left the tea uncompleted and turned away to go but he held her.

"Please Mama,"

She turned to face him squarely and he saw the hurt in her eyes. The anger and disappointment.

Shit, what does he say? The words have gone again.

Though shorter than him, she managed to reach his cheek and gave him a slap. The very first time she raised her hands on him all his life.

Ali was beyond flabbergasted. It felt so strange. So surreal. Mama just slapped me?!

Her hands were too frail to be painful but the pain in him was the deep wrenching feeling that he'd provoked her for the very first time in his entire life for her to even think of hitting him.

Even when he looked for trouble as a kid, when his mum was angry at him, when just anyone was after him, his solace was with her. She never let any harm come his way. She never let even her daughter touch him in her presence. Even if they were away, he always called her when in trouble and she found a way to pull him out of it but now?

Now he had pulled her strings. He had pushed her to the wall. How could he be so blinded by his misconceptions that he couldn't sense the repercussion of what he's doing? How could he live knowing fully well that they're all angry at him for what he did?

"Leave my sight." She ordered, her eyes now hardened and cold.

"Mama," A drop of tear unwantedly left his eyes.

"Out Ali." She pointed at the door.

He swiped a hand on his face and battled to say out his mind. "Look Mama, just... hit me all you want but... don't send me out like this."

She showed not even pity for seeing him like that, totally down and miserable and that gnarled at his feelings more.

Impassively, she turned around and left him standing there. Downright down in the dumps.

He couldn't take it. Not this cold-shoulder treatment. Not feeling completely bleak.

He sauntered out and headed for his father's chamber. He needed to talk, to his father. Let them get this solved, let him state his ultimatum, but not this silence.

* * *

The Sarauniya dismissed her maids and walked into the Lamido's chamber with his meal.

She majestically trekked up the stairs to his room.

There were two guards by the door and they bowed down in greetings to her.

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