Not An Update

383 15 17

Hi everyone. I am happy that you are having fun and enjoying my story, especially this one.

I really don't what or why am I updating this part, maybe I will delete this later but I just want you all to know that I am suffering from loneliness right now. I am not looking for some to pity me, not that at all. Maybe someone who will be by my side and be there while I help myself to get out of this state. To you tell you all honestly, I am not really feeling well... I have talk to anybody for I don't know how long about what I am building and saving inside of me. It is not healthy I know, but I really don't know what to do or what should I do to get through this. 

It's been months or maybe years that I am having this trouble sleeping and having random not-so-good thoughts. I am trying to be strong but I don't know how long. this is so random and I am actually talking gibberish but I don't really don't know 여러분. 

I will delete this later on. Maybe I just want somebody to know what I am going through right now that is why I am publishing this one.

I will continue to write this story. 

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