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"This week reminded me how much I miss having you home at night," Moonbyul told Solar as the two laid on the floor in front of the fireplace. After picking Sunyoung up from school they went out for pizza for dinner and then cuddled with both of the girls and had a Disney movie marathon, Byulhaneul fell asleep first, cuddled in Solar's lap, and an hour later Sunyoung was fast asleep, cuddled in Moonbyul's side. Once they carried them upstairs and got them into bed, peppering kisses to their faces, they went back to the living room and relaxed in front of the fireplace, sharing a bottle of champagne.

"I miss this too." Solar nodded. "I miss you." She added shly, leaning forward to kiss Moonbyul sweetly. "You have a nice routine with them at night, you're like a well-oiled machine." She teased, Moonbyul laughed. "Sunyoung works best with routine, you know that, otherwise she runs wild through the house." She took a sip of her champagne and set the glass down, resting her hand on Solar's hip. "I love our girls, but they can be a handful at night."

"I see." Solar nodded. "Well, I'll talk to the department about changing my hours to first shift again, it shouldn't be a problem, I have the seniority."

"Good." Moonbyul stared at Solar, admiring how the flames from the fire made her face glow. "You are so beautiful, love."

Solar locked eyes with her and admittedly blushed. "Thanks, Love, so are you." She replied, ducking her head slightly. Moonbyul lifted her chin and connected their lips again. "I'm so excited about tomorrow's date night."

"I am too." Solar smiled. "When's the last time we went out for the night, without the girls, and not for a work dinner with some of your clients?"

Moonbyul walked her fingers up down Solar's side, rubbing her back when she coughed slightly. "It's been a while."

"Was it before Sky?"

"Damn...was it?" Moonbyul asked. "It hasn't been a year, love."

"Well, sometimes we grab drinks or try to catch a movie after leaving your clients, but just a night where we plan to go out and just hang out and enjoy each other was definitely before Sky." Solar confirmed.

"Whoa..." Moonbyul exclaimed as her eyes widened.

"We've hung out at home and had more than enough movie nights here, and some much needed eomma and mom activities when the girls are asleep." Solar wiggled her eyebrows with a big smile. "But I want to get dolled up and take you out on the town too."

"I can't wait." Moonbyul winked at her. "We always make sure we have our adult entertainment time."

"Adult entertainment?" Solar laughed. "You are always in work mode, love."

"Me?" Moonbyul blushed. "I'm not the one that screamed at reruns of  Hospital Playlist the other night, while coughing mind you, that they were taking too long during the surgery."

Solar laughed. "I'm just saw a more efficient way to save the patient, and I figured if I yelled enough that Song Hwa would hear me."

"Not to mention Sunyoung asked you a simple question and you pulled up diagrams on your iPad to show her." Moonbyul teased.

"Okay." Solar nodded. "It's hard for me to get out of doctor mode sometimes. But tomorrow we are just Moonbyul and Solar Yi-Kim."

"Deal." Moonbyul extended her hand to Solar, who shook it firmly, Moonbyul pulled Solar to lie on her and hugged her tightly. Solar ducked her head down and kissed Moonbyul deeply as her wife's hands ran up and down her back.

Solar deepened the kiss, causing Moonbyul to moan softly when Solar slipped her tongue in her mouth. Moonbyul began to slide Solar's shirt over her head when Skysky began to cry into the monitor. Solar continued the kiss before resting her forehead on Moonbyul's with a smile. "Tomorrow can't come fast enough." She laughed.

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