561 15 3

Monday 5 pm

"This is where you and Sky will hang out some afternoons if both Momma and I have to work," Solar smiled as she led her family into the kid's resource room at Daegu Mercy Memorial Hospital.

"We can play with all the stuff here?" Sunyoung asked, looking around, her eyes widening at the big-screen TVs, the gaming systems, numerous bookcases, stacks of board games, and more.

"Yes," Solar nodded. "Perks of me being Chief of Surgery means you both get taken care of very well when you are here."

Moonbyul set Sky down since she was wiggling to get free and stared at her wife quickly. "Chief?" She smiled, grabbing Sky's hand quickly when she tried to run across the room. "Stay with Momma," She told her, Sky nodding when Moonbyul did.

Solar blushed and nodded. "When I came in this morning they offered me the position. I wanted to tell you in person, that's why I didn't call, and I've been crazy busy today."

"Congrats Yong!" She replied, hugging her tightly. "That's so amazing."

"Thanks," Solar reached down and grabbed Sky just as she tried to climb on the table to reach something. "No climbing, please."

Sky stared at her and laid on her chest for a moment, before wiggling to get down again, Solar passing her to Moonbyul instead.

"So, what are your hours?" Moonbyul asked as they walked deeper into the resource center, smiling politely at a number of kids who were watching TV, and a few that were reading books.

"I'm Monday through Friday 6 am to 5 pm right now, rotating Saturdays, but it might change. I'm on call always, unless I'm on vacation," Solar replied. "I know it sounds rough, but I'm home for dinner every night unless a surgery comes up, but I have two assistant chiefs under me, so unless it's a surgery that I think I should do because of my experience I won't be rushing into the hospital all the time. The assistant Chiefs have to scrub in for as many as possible, but I can pick and choose, which is great, so I don't have to get up in the middle of the night and rush here for surgery, unless absolutely necessary."

Moonbyul nodded as Solar reached a few small rooms that were set up like bedrooms. "These rooms are smaller bedrooms that the kids can relax in, by me being chief of surgery I automatically get one for the girls, so this is Sunyoung and Sky's," She explained, nodding to the room.

"We have to move in here?" Sunyoung frowned peeping into the room and looking around.

"No honey," Solar shook her head. "This is for, um, let's say Momma is out of town for work and I get called in for surgery at night, you and Sky can come here and sleep and hang out."

"In Seoul, we went to your office," Sunyoung told her.

"Yeah, you can do that here too, but this room is only for you two, so you don't have to worry about anyone else being in here or laying in the bed, only I have the key," Solar explained, glancing up at Moonbyul, who she knew had the same concerns.

"Well, this is cool, Sun," Moonbyul smiled, hoping to ease some tension for her while she rubbed her back when Sunyoung leaned into her side. "We can put a few things up so it feels a little homier, and you have a TV in here, so you can watch whatever you want with Sky."

Sky looked at the TV and smiled happily, leaning back on Moonbyul's shoulder.

Solar nodded before giving them a quick tour of her floor, showing them her office, which was twice as big as her office in Seoul, blushing at all the praise Moonbyul was giving her before they headed home. Sky falling asleep in the car, after playing all day in daycare.

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