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A/N: There are three stories I wanted to publish in this account, I am confused between the FAMILY story and the very MATURE story. The FAMILY story is not a G! P and the MATURE one is a G! P story. But I am sure to publish the ACTION one. I don't know. I am confused xD I cannot publish 3 stories at one time xD

just comment MATURE or FAMILY in the comment section then the most commented word will be the one I will publish.  

Friday 9pm

"Do you miss momma?" Sunyoung asked, turning to look up at her mother. Solar was sitting on the edge of the couch, leaning back on the arm, Sunyoung cuddled in her side, while Sky slept on her chest. The three finished dinner an hour ago, and after Solar cleaned up the kitchen and got Sky bathed and into pajamas, she told Sunyoung to pick out a movie for them to relax and watch before bed, letting her stay up an extra hour since it was Friday night and she already finished half of her homework.

"Of course," Solar nodded, hugging her tightly and kissing the top of Sky's head, the little girl smiling in her sleep. "But, being with my two little loves makes up for it."

"You're not mad I asked you to stay?" Sunyoung asked.

Solar paused the movie and lifted Sunyoung's chin so she could look in her eyes. "No," She said firmly. "I told you Sun, whatever decision you wanted, we were okay with. You wanted me here, honey, and I want to be here. You were our first concern, if you aren't comfortable then we aren't."

Sunyoung nodded. "I just don't want momma to think I'm hogging you or anything, because she's your best friend, and I know how super important best friends are."

Solar hummed. "Best friends are very important, but your mom knows that she has to share me sometimes, and definitely doesn't mind sharing me with you two, and I'm going to visit her next week for two days, so it's okay. You'll be okay without Sky and me for a few days right?"

"Right," Sunyoung nodded. "Imo Hwasa said we are going to do some fun stuff after school as long as I finish my homework."

"Homework comes first, and I want you to listen to what Imo Hwasa tells you to do, no back-talking," Solar reminded her.

Moonbyul left last Friday to head to Daegu to start her new role, after a teary goodbye between the two, and a few tears from Sunyoung, Moonbyul kissed all over Sky's face, the baby having fallen asleep waiting for Moonbyul's plane to take off. That night Solar let both girls sleep with her after FaceTiming with Moonbyul who gave them all a tour of her condo that the company provided her with, once the girls fell asleep Solar sat on FaceTime and watched Moonbyul unpack before each of them did some work quietly. Even though they weren't talking, they wanted to feel like they were still right by each other so they kept the FaceTime going until Moonbyul heard Solar start to snore lightly, and kissed the phone before hanging up.

Sunyoung laid back on Solar when she started the movie again and placed her hand on Sky's back, smiling at her sister, who was facing her. "Sky must be really tired."

"I think she was, but she also doesn't feel too great too, she has a fever so I think the medicine I gave her is making her sleepy too," Solar smiled. "She's okay, her fever will fade away," She added when she saw the worry on Sunyoung's face, feeling Sky's neck and hands.

Sunyoung kissed her on the forehead softly and nodded. "Well, I know momma shares you as her best friend with her, but she's your lover too, right?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows. "Does she share you as a lover with us?"

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