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Moonbyul kissed Solar on the cheek and rolled out of bed, she glanced at the clock and saw it was just after midnight, so she kissed a trail down Solar's bareback and rubbed there for a few moments before pulling the cover higher over her wife. The two made love for over an hour, nice and slow, savoring the other and getting reacquainted, each taking their time pleasing the other, Solar fell asleep almost immediately after so Moonbyul held her tightly, not wanting to let her go for any reason. She hopped in the shower and rinsed off quickly before putting on a robe and walking to the room Sky was sleeping in. She leaned over the edge of the crib, resting on the rail, and stared at her daughter.

"I missed you, momma hates that she has to be away from you and Sunyoung, but this is for the best. This is going to create the best life for you two. I just hope you don't miss me too, too much and you know that what I'm doing is for your own good." She sighed as she carefully picked up her daughter and sat down in the recliner on the other side of the room. She kissed Sky on her chubby cheeks and leaned back. The baby woke up slightly and groggily looked at Moonbyul, she wiggled in Moonbyul's arms and exhaled deeply, grabbing a fistful of her robe and falling back to sleep, cuddling closer to her mother.

"I love you, Sky Sky," Moonbyul whispered, kissing the top of her head.

Solar rubbed her eyes as she walked into the room, wearing a pair of Moonbyul's pajama pants and a shirt. "She loves you too," She whispered. "Do you want to let her sleep with us?"

"Would you mind?" Moonbyul asked.

"Of course not," Solar shook her head. "Let me rinse off in the shower and then I'll join you two in bed."

Moonbyul carried Sky to the master bedroom and laid in bed with her, setting the baby on her chest. She listened as Solar sang softly in the shower, even though she wasn't loud, the acoustics of the bathroom and the door being cracked allowed her voice to drift through the room. She knew Solar was singing in the shower to help her stay awake, Solar sang the same three songs when she was tired after working a long shift.

"Okay," Solar yawned as she walked back into the bedroom and slipped in bed right away. She kissed Sky on the cheek before pressing her lips to Moonbyul's. "Good night, love."

"Good night," Moonbyul replied, closing her eyes, happy to be lying next to her wife in bed again.


2 am Seoul

Sunyoung cleared her throat and sat up in bed, she hopped down and slowly opened the bedroom door, peeping down the hall. She walked quickly down to Hwasa's room and knocked lightly where she began to wring her wrists when she didn't hear any sound and lifted her fist to knock again just as the door opened.

Hwasa kneeled down quickly, running her fingers through her hair, attempting to tame it, blinking quickly to adjust to the brightness of the hallway since she left the lights on for Sunyoung in case she needed to use the bathroom. "What's wrong?" She asked quickly.

"I can't sleep, Imo," Sunyoung told her quietly. "Can I sleep with you?"

"Sure," Hwasa nodded and grabbed her goddaughter's hand, closing the door behind her. She moved the stacks of books and notepads off of the other side of her bed and set them on the floor, before pulling back the comforter so Sunyoung could climb in.

"Are you working?" Sunyoung asked, climbing in bed.

"I was earlier," Hwasa smiled, fixing the covers around her. "I fell asleep going over some briefs for a case I have, I have to go to court tomorrow so I wanted to be super prepared."

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