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"Is a housewife bad?" Sunyoung asked, lifting her hand off of her right ear.

"No," Moonbyul and Solar both responded quickly.

"What did I tell you about people's jobs?" Solar asked, moving Sunyoung's other hand from her ear since it was apparent her daughter was listening anyways.

Sunyoung chewed on her bottom lip while she thought before smiling. "That everyone's job is equally important from the mailman to the doctor, the garageman to the lawyer, the teacher to the janitor, and the President to the line cook. Everyone serves a specific purpose and everyone's job helps keep the world running smoothly."

"Right," Moonbyul nodded, shifting Sky, who wiggled and woke up, staying at her sister and exhaling deeply before closing her eyes and grabs Moonbyul's shirt tightly.

"Exactly," Solar told her. "There's nothing wrong with being a housewife, Sun, Momma didn't mean it that way."

"Okay," Sunyoung smiled.

"Why don't you head up to bed? You can read one of your comic books since Sky is asleep already," Solar told her. "I'll come to say good night in thirty minutes."

"Okay," Sunyoung smiled, jumping to her feet and kissing Sky on the cheek. "Good night Sky, I love you," She told her sister, who woke up from the kiss and sleepily smiled at her sister before falling back asleep.

Once Sunyoung ran upstairs Solar turned to Moonbyul and stared at her. "Byul..." She said softly, shaking her head as her parents walked into the living room.

"Yongsun we are heading out," Mrs. Kim smiled, "Meeting friends for drinks."

"Okay, have a good night," Solar nodded to her parents, her dad winking at her in reply.

"Let me put Sky in her crib and we can sit outside and talk," Moonbyul suggested.

30 minutes later, the pair was sitting outside by the pool facing each other. Solar was staring at the water in the pool, deep in thought when Moonbyul rubbed her leg. "Go back to work, the whole soccer mom, afternoon snack, mid-day jogs with the stroller thing, aren't you. I can tell you are trying to be happy right now, and I need you to be happy, love."

"I am happy," Solar replied defensively. "I love it down here."

"You're happy but you're not yourself, I know you want to work, you miss being in the OR, the ER, and whatever else Rs are at the hospital," She smiled while laughing, causing Solar to blush and laugh. "I don't mind if you go back to work. I know we agreed you would wait for a while, but your personal mental health is important to me and it is important to this family, and if you are doing kitchen table surgeries, probably late at night, then you're not okay love. I need you to be okay if this move is going to work for us."

Solar rubbed her face slowly. "I hear you love, but really, I'm okay right now. The moment I start to get too antsy is when the two of us will back out here and sit down and talk about the next best move for our family. We have Sun in school so, that's good, and I want to find a pre-school for Sky to start this fall."

"We can find a daycare for her during the summer, at least for a few hours," Moonbyul suggested, lifting Solar's hand and playing with her fingers.

"Oh, my parents are moving to Daegu when they retire. Did my mom tell you about it?" Solar smiled.

"Whoa, no, that's awesome. When?" Moonbyul asked happily.

Solar smiled, "They will be here by the summer. I never thought I would say this, but I'm happy they will be closer to us. It will be a big help with the girls."

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