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"Hi, Yongsun," Mrs. Kim stated, narrowing her eyes at her daughter.

"Hi," Solar stated quietly as Sunyoung came running back into the living room, a bottle of water in her hand, Sky running to keep up with her.

"Here, Halmoni," Sunyoung smiled happily.

"Thank you," Mrs. Kim smiled, glancing at Sky who was hugging Solar's leg, peeping at her grandmother. Solar glanced at Sky and ran her fingers through her hair. "Sun take this to the kitchen please, place it on the table."

"I want to talk to Halmoni," Sunyoung stated.

"Sunyoung," Solar stated sternly, locking eyes with her. "Take Sky with you."

Moonbyul cleared her throat. "Sunyoung, when you're done in the kitchen, go and change the sheets in the guestroom, remember when I showed you how to get the guest room ready?" Sunyoung nodded. "Please it get ready for Halmoni."

"You're staying here?" Solar asked quickly.

"Of course she is." Moonbyul nodded as Sunyoung ran out of the room, with Sky debating on staying or following her before she finally gave in and ran after Sunyoung.

Mrs. Kim stared in the direction her granddaughters ran. "That little one reminds me of you, I can tell she's trying to feel me out, you did the same thing to your 삼촌(uncle) Rain."

"What are you doing here?" Solar asked. "Is something wrong with Appa?"

"Your father is fine, you would know that if you answered my calls." Mrs. Kim stated. Solar's jaw clenched as she stared at her mother, whose glare didn't falter at all. Moonbyul shifted uncomfortably, looking between the two women, completely confused as to what the issue was.

"I'm going to help Sunyoung and check on dinner," Moonbyul stated, standing up and walking over to Solar, she kissed her softly on the lips, cupping her face and running her thumb over her cheekbone, Solar locked eyes with noticed the angry unshed tears pooling her wife's eyes and tried to figure out what was going on. She continued to stare into Solar's eyes, searching for answers but Solar broke their gaze and looked down. Moonbyul sighed and glanced at her mother-in-law, who was watching their interaction. "We are having roast for dinner, is that okay?"

"Of course." Mrs. Kim stated, finally taking her coat off.

Solar grabbed the coat and hung it in the closet silently, she then grabbed her mother's luggage and carried it upstairs to the guestroom, where Sunyoung was taking the sheets off of the bed.

"Halmoni came!" Sunyoung exclaimed. "It's like Christmas came early!" She beamed.

"Cool, right?" Solar replied softly.

"Yep, I have so much to tell her," Sunyoung added.

"Is your homework done?"

"Not yet." Sunyoung shook her head.

"Go finish it please, I'll finish the room for Halmoni," Solar stated, once Sunyoung left the room, she closed the door before running into the attached bathroom and vomiting her nerves up.


Mrs. Kim looked around the living room, smiling proudly at how elegant space was even with the pile of legos and huge floor puzzles scattered around, along with other various toys and belongings to Sky and Sunyoung. She picked up a tiny purple Ugg boot from the side of the couch and smiled before setting it back down. Her eyes scanned the family picture over the mantle when she heard a soft sucking sound. She turned to look behind her and saw

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