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"Now that dirty diaper is all gone," Mrs. Kim smiled, kissing her granddaughter on the cheek and setting her on the floor, tossing the diaper in the pail.

"New dipe," Sky told her grandmother, looking up at her with a sleepy smile before hugging her leg.

"Yes, Grandmama got you a new diaper," She smiled, putting the container with the wipes back on the shelf next to the powder.

"Thank," Sky mumbled, now staring at her socks, bright yellow with white and orange stars.

"You're welcome, honey," nodded, extending her hand to the baby, who stared at it with a big smile and grabbed it quickly. She kneeled down and lifted her up in her arms, kissing her on the forehead when Sky cuddled close to her and grabbed her shirt. Mrs. Kim grabbed a pacifier and handed it to the baby, who simply held it, but didn't stick it in her mouth. "I think someone is tired," She laughed when her granddaughter exhaled deeply against her neck.

Once she got downstairs she walked into the living room where Solar and Moonbyul were cuddled on the couch, watching TV. Moonbyul was in the corner of the sectional, Solar leaning into her side, stretched out on the chaise part. Sitting down on the couch next to Moonbyul, she adjusted Sky on her chest and reached for the thin blanket to the side of her, placing it on her back. Sky sleepily staring at her mothers, still holding her pacifier in her hand.

Solar leaned forward and reached for the pacifier, tossing it on the table, Sky watching her but not making a sound or moving to reach it for it back, she instead grabbed a handful of the blanket and held it tightly. "We are trying to keep her away from those, Eomma, only when she's beyond inconsolable," She told her mother quietly, wanting to make sure her voice stayed even and calm so her mother didn't think she was being aggressive in any way.

"I'm sorry," Mrs. Kim nodded with a smile, rubbing Sky's back and rocking her side to side, lulling her to sleep.

"Did she ask for it?" Moonbyul asked, leaning forward and taking a sip of her bottle of water.

"No, I just handed it to her, she didn't put it in her mouth at all, just held on to it."

"She likes to hold it sometimes, I think it gives her a sense of control," Moonbyul replied, smiling at her daughter, who locked eyes with her. "I give it to her to hold sometimes too since I know she won't put it in her mouth, she just likes to hold it."

"I see," Mrs. Kim replied, glancing at her daughter to see her facial expression.

Solar nodded. "She does like to just hold it sometimes, but I don't want her to even think about it, to be honest," She sighed. "But...it's a compromise I'm willing to work with," She added. "If she just wants to hold it sometimes, then I'm okay with that," She shrugged, reaching over and rubbing Sky's leg. The baby staring at her mother and blushing before rubbing her eyes and sighing.

"Have you two started potty training yet?" Mrs. Kim asked, continuing to rub Sky's back slowly.

Sky rubbed her face against her grandmother's arm and wiggled to get comfortable, Moonbyul adjusting the cover on her and winking at her, the baby smiling at her mother before yawning. "Not yet, we were trying to wait until she turned two, right Solar?" Moonbyul asked.

Solar nodded. "Yeah, we were planning on two. I think with the movie right now and us being in and out of the house while we get things settled and Moonbyul doing some traveling during the day for work it wouldn't be a good time to start."

"Well, anytime a baby can tell you it's time to change their diapers then it time for potty training," Her mother smiled. "She practically grabbed my hand and pulled me to the changing table."

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