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A/N: I still need a cover photo for my next stories xD

"Sunyoung, seriously, stop the whining right now," Solar told her sternly, lifting Sky out of her truck, grabbing her diaper bag quickly. "You aren't going to get something every time we go to a store, your mom and I have bought you a ton of things for Daegu already, you'll survive without..." She continued before stopping abruptly, not feeling the need to explain herself to her 9-year-old daughter. "Just stop whining," She repeated, glancing at her oldest daughter while Sky began to wiggle angrily in her arms.

"Eomma," Sky grabbed Solar's coat and wiggled to get comfortable.

"Yes, Sky," Solar sighed, fixing the baby's hat as she laid on her shoulder and looked up at her sadly.


"Yes, baby, we'll go home, I know you're tired. Eomma has to stop in here first," Solar nodded to her kissing on the top of the head. "Wipe your face, Sunyoung," she then instructed before she grabbed Sunyoung's hand and made her way into the pharmacy. Setting Sky in the cart and glaring sternly at the baby, who began to kick her, not wanting to sit in the seat part. "Damn it, Sky," She mumbled before setting her in the big part of the cart instead, using the seat to put her purse in.

"Can I push?" Sunyoung asked, looking up at her mother.

Solar nodded and stepped aside, she grabbed a baby wipe out of the bag and wiped Sunyoung's face before kissing her on the forehead. Sunyoung blushed at the simple action, which let her know that her mother wasn't mad at her. Solar placed her hand on Sunyoung's shoulder as they walked through the store casually, before moving to her back and rubbing there absentmindedly as they walked.

"Stay seated," Solar told Sky in English when the little princess stood up. She grabbed the cart so Sunyoung would stop pushing it and shook her head at her daughter and pointed for her to sit down, Sky frowning but sitting back down, crossing her little arms angrily, mumbling under her breath.

"Momma!" She then demanded loudly.

"Hey," Solar shook her head at her daughter. "Relax," She added in English, before turning to Sunyoung, who reached in the cart and rubbed her little sister's back, the baby glaring at Solar, but leaning into her sister's embrace as she stuck her hand in her mouth. "I just need a few things, Sun, mainly your prescription, then we can stop and get a burger for dinner, okay?"

Sunyoung nodded as Solar stood behind her and tapped her back, letting her know she could stand on the bar and Solar would push her. She kissed the top of Sunyoung's head as they walked through the store, Solar quickly grabbing the few items she needed, and handing Sky a pack of Twizzlers to hold, Sunyoung's eyes lighting up quickly before Sky threw them down still angry at her mother and crossed her arms again.

"Skystar Yi Kim!" Solar warned, having a staredown with the baby, who gave up and laid down in the cart as she began to pout.

"She's cranky," Sunyoung looked up at her mother. "And she misses momma, I think," She added, chewing on her bottom lip.

"Yes, I'm cranky and I miss your momma, too," Solar laughed softly.

As Solar approached the register to pay, she noticed Sky fast asleep so she knew she could grab a few more things quickly without the baby starting to fuss. She quickly went up and down a few aisles, Sunyoung leaning back into her embrace, tired as well, her eyes fluttering close, which Solar noticed and walked closer so Sunyoung could relax more on her, which she did.

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