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Solar walked back into her office, kicking the door close, and flopped face down on her couch, yelling in frustration after losing a patient. She buried her head under the pillow and exhaled deeply as her phone vibrated, she groaned and reached for it, answering when she saw Moonbyul's name.


Hey love, I'm going to work late tonight so I can leave early for my doctor's appointment tomorrow, can you pick up Sunyoung from school?

Yeah sure.

What's wrong?


Yongsun, what's wrong? Are you crying?

My patient died. Solar sniffled and wiped her eyes and sat up. I know I shouldn't be this upset, but I really, really thought we could save him.

How old was he?

35, two kids, his wife is pregnant with their third.

Moonbyul was quiet for several minutes before finally speaking. I can work from home later, I'll get Sun from school and I'll take over dinner for you tonight too.

You don't have to do that.

Yes, I do, love, it's not a big deal, seriously. We can light the fireplace and relax tonight, take your mind off it, when you lose a patient you end up going through the motions of the surgery over and over and you obsess over it, you watch a ton of videos and read all of your medical books to figure out what you think you did wrong while blaming yourself, and I don't want you to torment yourself tonight, I want you to come home and relax.

Solar sighed, knowing Moonbyul was right, and nodded. Can you make that stuffed chicken?

If that's what you want, I can.

Yeah, that would be good.

Do you have more surgeries today?

No, not unless something comes up unexpectedly. I think I just may go hang out with Sky for the next hour or so before I leave.

Okay, go love on Sky so you'll feel better. You're a great surgeon Yongsun, but you know you can't save every one's life, love, you know that more than anyone else. I know, and I know that I love you so much, thanks for calling.

I love you two, go make sure Sky isn't shaking down the other toddlers for graham crackers and bottles.

Moonbyul teased while laughing.

You mean her sucking on the graham cracker and handing it off to someone else. Solar smiled. Thanks for making me laugh.

You're welcome, I gotta go, see you at home. Love you.

Love you too.

Solar stared at the phone before ending the call and exhaled as she tossed it on the couch and ran her fingers through her hair just as there was a knock on her office door.

"Come in!" Solar grabbed a granola bar off of her desk and opened it as Joy walked in.

"What's up doc?" She smiled as she sat down on the couch.

Solar laid back down and ate her granola bar. "Nothing, how's the vagina business?"

Joy hit her on the leg. "Stop calling it that." She laughed. "And it's good, I've delivered two babies this morning, and I get the feeling that the Lees will be calling me to tell me that their water broke. You look down, what's wrong?"

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