590 20 11

A/N: Hi

Sunyoung carried her little sister into the bathroom and stood her on the sink so they could look in the mirror. She is standing on a stool while she is holding her sister tightly around the waist since Sky was wiggling around.

"Sun!" Sky laughed and pointed in the mirror, Sunyoung smiled and waved happily.

"Yep, that's us," Sunyoung smiled. "Say what I say, okay?"

"Kay," Sky nodded after a few minutes, getting distracted by staring at her t-shirt in the mirror.

"I'm smart."

"I sart."

"I'm pretty."

"I petty!" Sky exclaimed, throwing her little arms in the air and laughing.

"No, say I'm pretty," Sunyoung laughed.

"I pretty," Sky shrugged with a smile, waving in the mirror again.

"I'm awesome."

"Awesh," Sky said sternly.

"Good job," Sunyoung smiled, kissing her on the cheek before setting Sky on the floor. The baby looks up at her sister and hugs her leg. She then smiled at herself and cleared her throat. "I'm pretty, smart, talented, and the world is mine. Nothing and no one can stop the goals I have for myself as long as I stay focused and keep my eyes on the prize," She nodded before winking then she ran her fingers through her hair.

"Sunyoung!" She heard faintly since her bedroom door was closed.

"Coming!" She replied back, hopping down and picking Sky up. "Let's go see what Momma wants."

Once Sunyoung got downstairs she set Sky down since the baby immediately started to wiggle to get free and ran over to her toys, hopping on her new motorized car, a gift from Imo Wheein that came in the mail that morning. She smiled at Snoopy, who was waiting in the passenger side for her, and pressed every button until the car turned on and sped after her sister.

"Yes, Momma?" Sunyoung smiled while walking into the kitchen. Sky is following her while driving behind her and crashing into the table.

"Ready to work on your science experiment for your homework?" Moonbyul asked, glancing down at the baby who was trying to move her car. "Let Momma help you," She told her, pressing the button to reverse the car and turning the wheel to help her turn around. "Be careful."

"Care," Sky nodded and sped away, crashing into the table in the living room, before she fumbled with the buttons and was able to reverse herself, this time hitting the couch before getting control of the car. Moonbyul watching and wondering if she should let her drive the car in the house at all.

"Is Eomma still at her interview?" Sunyoung asked.

Moonbyul nodded as she spread a plastic tarp over the kitchen table. "She had two of them today, one this morning and then one this afternoon, so that's why I worked from home so someone could be here with Sky."

"Whoa, Eomma's an awesome and super important doctor, so everyone wants her?" Sunyoung nodded sternly, helping Moonbyul tape the tarp down.

"She's a very good doctor, which is why she was so willing to move down here, she knew she would be able to get another good job," Moonbyul replied.

"Is she going to be home with us at night again?" Sunyoung asked.

"That's the plan," Moonbyul told her, looking over the table to make sure it was completely covered. "But we have to keep in mind that she's going to be new to this hospital and might have to work some nights again."

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